31: Back to square one

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"Mochi... come on... you have to get yourself checked." Shohei tried to comfort you. You were hiding under one of the broken tables in the room.

You refused to let the medics near you. Refusing to be touched as your neck still throbbed in pain from the fact that Aizawa had nearly choked you to death.

Shohei's beaten up state didn't help at all. You couldn't move or let anyone near you.

"N-no." Your hoarse pained voice was barely a whisper as you backed away further.

"S'cuse me." Tora walked in, getting down beside him. He was the one who crawled closer to you. "Hey, quit crying, alright." Shohei could say that wasn't the most comforting thing to say, but he wasn't sure what else he could do to help you.

Tora looked glanced at him, "you... I think you should get yourself checked for injuries first." The look in the tiger's eyes meant something Shohei didn't really like, but was right. "I'll take care of her for now, promise." He said before tuning back to you and giving a gentle smile.

He watched as the tiger boy crawled over to you and gave you a pat. He sat beside you as you leaned on his shoulder, starting to calm down. "Give her a few moments, yeah?" He told the medic.

You held his shirt tightly, the fear, the betrayal. You weren't sure if you could trust Aizawa again.


Aizawa was back to square one.

The trust was gone

And you were more terrified than ever.

Aizawa was going to be more patient than ever. He had to be more gentle and understanding. He owed it to you and to himself to do that.

He still thought of it as his fault anyway.

Fortunately, you hadn't completely shut down. You still managed to communicate with the others, just a lot more cautious than before. Your personal bubble was heavily implied more and had grown a bit bigger than before, but that was understandable.

Overall you were handing things a little better than they'd expect.

All except the way you'd react to even just seeing Aizawa at the over side of the room.

You wouldn't completely thrash around or go haywire, but you'd lose focus of what you were doing or who you were talking to. You'd fall silent as you tried not to look his way, but your eyes always found their way to linger to him again.

Just having him in the same room as you made you uneasy.

Even with that, they had to make you at least let Aizawa in the same room. They had to at least get you to feel comfortable with him in the room.

At least that little adjustment could be made because they couldn't keep staying in the hospital. You couldn't stay in the same room forever.

You had to go home.

So everyday, after classes, they'd go there and have Aizawa at least just stand in the room while Shohei and Hoshiko played with you. Distracted you.

So at least, they could bring you home and you can do your little distance and avoidance from Aizawa at home. You just had to be comfortable with him in the same room.

But sometimes, Aizawa just felt like giving up. Maybe just letting Mic take care of you, or maybe Kayama. Sometimes he'd just stand in that room and watch you play with the other two are you gave anxious glances towards him, as if remaining on high alert despite being around people you were already familiar with or trusted like Shohei or Hoshiko.

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