Techno's adoption (Part 1?)

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The air in the Nether is hot and stuffy. Nothing like the nice fresh air of the Overworld. Jack absolutely hated this about the hot dimension that is essentially just hell. But what he hated even more were the disgusting Nether creatures. The half rotten Pigman, the loud Ghasts, the firery Blazes... every single one of them.

Out of all these creatures he hated one particular species the most... and that were the Piglins. The human looking, gold loving pig creatures were absolutely disgusting to him. Every time he sees a small group he just feels like killing them. They have no purpose aside from breeding and being unnecessarily aggressive.

When Jack spotted a small colony of Piglins nearby, he put his hand on the hilt of his sword. But before he could do anything, a hand firmly grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from his sword. "Leave them be. They haven't done anything to you. And it will stay that way if you don't anger them." Jack growled at the annoyingly calm voice of his companion. The blonde just stared at Jack for a few moments longer before leading the way. Jack doesn't even know why the leaders of his kingdom gave him a guide to lead through the Nether. He can find his own way perfectly fine.

And he doesn't understand why it had to be Philza Minecraft out of all people. The lonely man who lives at the edge of the town completely by himself. Yes he may have the most well known survival skills of everyone out there. Yes he may have survived in the wilderness with all the monsters for years. Maybe he even knows the Nether better than anyone else because of his travels... but surely they could have given him a better guide. It wouldn't even bother him that much to have Philza as his guide, if it weren't for the fact that he wasn't allowed to kill a single fucking thing around here!

"I don't understand why you won't let me fight them!" "Because they aren't hostile. They have never attacked me before, even when I'm not wearing something golden. So I don't see any reason to start a fight with them." "But they ate just stupid Nether creatures! Why shouldn't we just get rid of them?!" The nearby Piglins looked over to them once they heard this rather rude statement. The stronger males of the group ready their swords. It's not their first time encountering  and fighting humans. It has become a rather frequent thing around here.

But to their own suprise, the other human stepped in between the first and the Piglins. This has never happened before. "Jack. Don't do this... They haven't done anything to us. And I'm pretty sure they think about us the same way, because you just randomly go around and kill shit. Piglins are one of the smartest races there are in all three dimensions. And they aren't even that different from us! They live in colonies, in small families, just like we do! And they-"

Phil groaned in pain as Jack punched him in the face before pinning him to the wall with a hand around his throat. "Don't you dare talk back to me! I am the highest ranked warrior there is! You have no right to order me around!" The blonde desperately gasped for air as his wings flared around in panic. He can't breathe. Air! He needs air! "I can just get rid of your annoying ass and tell them the Nether creatures killed you! And you won't be able to-"

Before Jack could finish a heavy hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back, allowing Phil to fall to the ground and gasp for much needed air. An angry looking Piglin now stood in between Jack and the blonde on the ground, as if he wants to protect him. Without hesitation Jack grabbed his sword and attacked the larger male.

A bloodbath broke lose

Jack went into a killing spree and slaughtered one Piglin after the other. After he killed about 12 of them, both male and female, the Piglins managed to overpower him and throw him over the edge of a nearby cliff. With horror Phil watched as Jack fell and disappeared into the endless sea of lava beneath. An agonizing scream echoed through the Nether before it was silent again.

Phil stared at the scene for a while, not moving a muscle. His body was still aching from the lack of air he got while being almost chocked to death, but it's not like he wanted to save a person like Jack anyways. He only broke out of his frozen state when he heard the pained whimpers of a wounded Piglin.  Not far from him a young female was curled up in pain and loosing blood quickly. Phil crawled over to her and pulled out one of his emergency potions of healing. Carefully, he treats her wounds with it until all of them were fully healed. Once she was okay he looked around for other wounded Piglins, but the rest already died to their injuries.

The surviving few Piglins surrounded Phil and quickly helped their now healed sister back up on her feet. A few children came out of hiding and joined the adults, some of them crying because one or both of their parents died in the massacre. The same large male that saved Phil earlier now stood in front of him and looked down at him. It made Phil feel unbelievably small in comparison, so he stood up to try and get on the same level with them.

"Thank you for trying to help us", the obvious leader of the group said while giving him a small nod. Phil looked down, not wanting to make eye contact after what Jack had done to them. "I'm sorry... I tried to stop him..." "We know. And we appreciate your help. But we do not like you humans in our world still. You are tearing apart our land for resources you can't find in your own world. You kill our people for fun and trophies." "I know humans have done terrible things to you... and I wish I could change that..." "You can start by leaving thus place. We won't hurt you, but we won't accept you here as well." "That's understandable... thank you."

Phil gave a respectful bow and watched the Piglins leave, carrying the bodies of their brothers and sisters to give them a proper ceremony. When they were out of view, he turned around and started to walk back to the portal that will bring him home.

The sound of soft crying made him stop dead in his tracks and look over to where it is coming from. There was a small cave near him that seems to be the origin of the crying. Slowly he walked over to the cave and carefully peaked inside. And what he saw broke his heart. A young Piglin was curled up against the wall, crying into his hands... hooves... whatever. It must have seen what Jack did...

"Hey there little guy..." The Piglin immediately looked up at him and started to cry louder when seeing him. "Nononono it's okay. I won't hurt you... I'm a friend." Phil kneeled down and smiled softly at the child. It tried to back away more and kept crying. "Please don't be scared... I want to help you..." He took his hat off and sat it down on the ground. Maybe it's scaring them, who knows.

It certainly did something to the child. Now it looked up at him with curiosity and amazement. Phil's blonde hair almost seemed like it was made out of gold with the way it was glowing in the soft orange light of the lava. And gold is something that every Piglin loves from the moment they are born.

Slowly, the child crawled over to him, still looking at him with amazement. With an even softer smile Phil held out his arms for the young life approaching him. It climbed into his lap and reached up for the golden locks, making Phil laugh. "You like my hair?" The Piglin gave a happy squeal and played with his hair. Phil just gently cradled the child in his arms and allowed them to continue playing with his hair. At this point he was just glad that they aren't scared of him anymore.

He slowly gets up, still holding the child in his arms. "If I hurry I can catch up to your family. They are probably wondering where you are." The Piglin child immediately shook his head no. "No? But your family..." This only made them shake more and bury their face in his coat. And this was when Phil understood what must have happened to the poor child's parents.

"Oh... I'm so sorry..." He held the child even closer and wrapped his wings around them both. "Then I'll take care of you... I promise... you never have to be alone again." Now the child gave a happy squeal and reached up for Phil's hair again. He laughed and leaned down so they can play with it again while he slowly makes his way back to the portal. "Well... welcome to my family little guy."

Might make a part 2

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