Chapter 1

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Crystal on the photo


"Hey, mum!" I answered the phone as I ran around my apartment trying to find my car keys.

"Hey, uh what's going on?" She asked when she heard things falling. I cursed silently when I saw all my painting supplies on the floor and rubbed my forehead in annoyance.

"Nothing, just looking for my keys." I looked at the mess and then shook my head. I'm cleaning this up later.

"Anyway, I called to ask if you'll be visiting at all this weekend." She asked me with a hopeful tone and I thought about my plans with the girls.

"No, I don't think so. I've promised Barbara and Chelsy we'd go for a trip, maybe camping?" I sighed when I finally found my keys and smiled.

"Oh, okay. So I guess I can't avoid the trip to your grandma." I chuckled when I thought about the face my mum must be making right now. Grandma Rita, my dad's mum, always had this little conflict with my mother about- everything really, so both of them try to stay out of each others way as much as possible.

"Dad's making you go again?" I asked laughing and she groaned.

"Please stop laughing, it's not funny. He doesn't want us to just visit, he wants us to go and stay there for a few days." 

''Oh, wow. This is getting better by the second." I said and locked my apartment. I ran down the stairs as she continued complaining about how much she doesn't want to go and all I could think was that I am so glad I'm not living with them anymore because they'd drag me with them too and, honestly, it's as traumatic for me as it for my mum.

"Maybe I'll save you the next time, mum. Uh, can I call you after work? I'm in the car now."

"Oh, yeah yeah, sure. Drive safely and when you call I expect a full report on that Dylan boy." She chuckled and I groaned banging my head against the steering wheel.

"Mum, I told you! We went on one date and then I never called him again. He was- really weird." I said, remembering the way he was behaving when we went out.

"Fine, fine. Have a good day at work, I love you!"

"You too, mum." I hung up the phone and dropped it on the seat beside me before quickly speeding away to try and get to work on time.

I loved that job, and yeah to most people working at a cafe making coffee and having to deal with all the weird customers doesn't really sound ideal but this was just a side job to cover some expenses. Plus, I loved it there. My co-workers are nice and my boss is the sweetest person ever and I get free coffee.

I'm a caffeine junkie, so what?

I thanked the Lord I found a parking spot amidst the chaos of cars in the parking lot and ran inside the building through the back door.

"Am I late?" I asked Avery when I met her outside and she looked at the big clock hanging on the opposite wall.

"You are five minutes early actually." She answered with a raised eyebrow and walked away to serve a table. I sighed and made myself a coffee since I didn't get the chance to at home.

I sighed as I sipped the hot liquid and put on a smile for my first customer.

People were coming in like crazy today so I didn't even stop for one second until my shift was finally over. It was five in the afternoon but after such a tiring day all I could think was how badly I wanted to fall face-first on my bed and not wake up until like, three days later.

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