Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lying awake on my bed at about two in the morning, I was waiting until I was absolutely sure the other two were sleeping deeply. When I was sure they weren't going to wake up, I finally stood up.

I opened the doors of my balcony and smiled before leaping off the ledge. I opened my wings widely and started flying away through the trees just to stay hidden for as long as it took to be out of sight from any part of the lake house.

I enjoyed the chilly wind against my face and broke out of the treeline, letting the moonlight wash all over me. At this time of the night, everything was quiet inside the forest. The only sounds you'd be able to hear would be the rustling of leaves and the hoots from the owls. But one thing you would definitely hear is the sound of the predators lurking in the darkness trying to catch off guard their next prey.

That reminded me of the weird growls I heard at the lake and the loud howls that echoed all around the forest. I decided to fly lower just to see if I would be able to witness the pack hunting.

After about twenty minutes of flying above the trees, I thought it would be better if I flew even lower, but before I could even blink there was a bright light clouding my vision and when that light finally disappeared there was a man standing in front of me.

My mouth fell open from surprise and it felt like my brain had liquified.

A tall, blonde male angel was floating in front of me with his grayish wings in full display and opened widely as a warning. His hands were pointed right at me and I just noticed the gray energy field surrounding them.

My eyes narrowed when I snapped out of my shocked state and I too took a warning stance, with my eyes starting to glow and my hands covering themselves with flames of gold.

''You are trespassing.'' The guy exclaimed, finally ending our stare-off and I was surprised when I heard his voice. It brought a familiar feeling in me and dare I say- comforting.

''Who are you?'' I asked and flew a few meters closer to him but immediately the energy around him grew stronger as his eyes narrowed.

I looked at him from head to toe as I waited for an answer, but I never got one.

''Gray wings,'' I whispered and when a memory crashed in my mind like a tone of bricks, I flew so quickly towards him that he didn't even see me moving. ''It can't be.''

He attacked immediately when he noticed how close I had gotten and I tried to repel the balls of energy that I'm sure wouldn't be very pleasant if they touched me.

''Jonah!'' I yelled and my voice echoed through the forest. A large amount of energy projected from my body and was released as a wave. knocking him back and then everything was silent. No animal could be heard, not the wind, not anything.

''Crystal?'' His voice broke the silence and his eyes were wide in shock. 

I nodded my head and suddenly my eyes teared up when I realized he was Jonah. My Jonah. My best friend.

''Oh my God.'' He flew towards me and then stopped when he was a foot away from me. ''Is that really you?''


My eyes watered as I continued to look at him. My hands started shaking and I couldn't hold myself back anymore, so with my wings giving me a boost, I crashed in his arms and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back without hesitation and the tears that I was trying to hold back, fell from eyes and I drew in a shaky breath.

"I missed you." He said and more tears fell from my eyes.

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