2. Revenge

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As soon as the two men had left I pounced.

I sped down and instantly pinned her down.

"Your gonna pay Katherine." I hissed at her. she was barely even a challenge.

"What the hell! I'm not Katherine, who even are you?!" she yelled and I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm not falling for your pathetic little tricks anymore!" I hissed and showed my fangs clearly. fear rose in her eyes and I enjoyed every second of it.

Then suddenly something hard hit my head and knocked me off.

she stood up over me and In her hand was a large rock.

"Your gonna regret that!" I yelled and she put he hands up to block me.

"Im not Katherine, im Elena Gilbert." she says.

"Changing your name isn't going to save you Katherine! I know what you did, I know your plan." I yell and she looks at me.

"look I'm sorry you got screwed over by Katherine, but I'm not her!" she pleads and I just roll my eyes.

"I don't care what you say." I say coldly as I back her up against a tree. "Katherine or not you'll be great practice and either way I win." I hiss.

"No!" she yells and punches me low in the stomach. I stumble backwards but I'm not badly hurt, I've suffered worse.

"Coward!" I yell as she runs off. I seed after her and we tumble. I wrestle her to the ground and we struggle for a while.

Finally I get her to stop wiggling and my fangs burst out as I go towards her neck. Then I the distance I hear someone.

"Elena?" the two men.

"OVER HERE. HELP!" I cover her mouth.

"You stupid B-"before I can finish I'm kicked off of her. Now that one hurt.

the man gabs my neck, speeds over to a tree a pins me. His grip is incredibly tight and I sigh.

"Astrid??" he sounds shocked and I look into his eyes. DAMON????

He releases his grip and I fall to the ground coughing as I breathe in the air.

"Is it really you?" he says, kneeling down and I look into his eyes.

"Hi big brother." I say. He helps me up and finally the shock hits me.


"Astrid your not dead!" Damon says shaking me.

"I'm not?" I whine sadly.

"What? Why are you sad about that?!" He says.

"Because if I'm not, then I'm hallucinating that my big brother is back and just threw me. When I've missed him so much." I'm close to tears which is new. I haven't cried since I lost my brothers.

"Come here silly." Damon says and pulls me into a hug.

" Damon I'm leaking from my eyes. I miss you." I sob and he tightens his grip.

"Astrid, your not leaking your crying. Your also... not hallucinating." He sounds guilty. Wait if I'm not hallucinating then.

"YOU'VE BEEN ALIVE ALL THIS TIME!" Anger fills me and push him away.

"Astrid-" I cut him off.

"YOU ABANDONED ME WITH HIM!" I yell. Then Stefan joins us.

"Astrid?!" He says shocked.

"Yes hello other not dead brother." I hiss and cross my arms.

"She's Pi**ed with us for not being dead." Damon mutters to him.

"Astrid, we always wanted to go back but farther never would've let us close to you." Stefan said.

"Well maybe if you'd waited a few years you would've been able to." I say.

"What do you mean?" Damon muttered.

Then I smelt it. Blood. My fangs appeared and my black veins under my eyes returned. I looked past my brother and say her. That Katherine/ Elena girl was hurt and bleeding.


I sped towards her and immediately began to drink.

"Astrid stop!" I hear Stefan yell. But I can't. I never learnt to control it.

I feel Damon pull me off her and hold me by my waist.

"No!" I hiss and it takes me a second until I go back to Normal.

Damon let's go and I walk off a little. I feel dizzy. Then next thing I know.

It all goes black and I fall.

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