5. Control

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I got to my car and looked inside. I hadn't wanted Stefan to see my sleeping bag in the backseat or the rubbish from my breakfast the day I'd came here and the remains of my dinner the night before.

My car also wasn't in the best condition. During my hunt I'd commonly run into hungry werewolf's and there claw marks covered the back of my car.

I also had to hit my car trunk since it no longer opened manually.

Inside were all my vampire hunting things. Another thing I hadn't wanted them to see.

Within the chaos I found my duffle bag shoved full of old clothes.

I shut the trunk and immediately jumped at the sudden appearance of that Elena girl.

"Your out late." She said looking at me.

"And?" I shrug.

"Just seems odd. Stefan and Damon seemed so shocked to see you." She says.

"You think your so smart don't." I said dropping my bag where it was.

"Excuse me." She says.

"You think your untouchable don't you. Well guess what, your nothing but a knock off. You really think they'd still like you if you didn't look like her. In fact why don't we test that theory right now."

I sped towards her and pinned her to the tree.

"Let me go!" She yelled.

"As you wish." I hissed. I threw her not to far but enough to make her ache.

"Your insane!" She yelled.

"Awwww thank you." I said and sped over to her and stood over her.

I could hear her heartbeat pounding. My fangs appeared and I was inches away from her next when


I got off her and sped far away to follow the scent.

"I should've known it was you." I said.

"Can't a girl get a little peckish after waking up from eternal slumber." Rebecca said. "Come, join me my friend." She said and so I did.

I drained the blood easily from the scrawny human.

"You've gotten faster." She said.

"And you look like you've just walked out a different time in history." I said noticing her flapper girl outfit.

"Don't remind me." She said and I could tell she wasn't happy.

I focused my hearing and found something I knew would cheer her up.

"Follow me, I know just what you need." She smiled at me and without question followed.

Soon we were at a camping ground with probably 8 people here.

"4 for you and 4 for me." I said.

"I can work with that." She said and immediately we sped off.

Once we were done we went back to my car. Elena was gone but I grabbed my bag. I threw a pair of clothes at Rebecca.

"Here, just to tie you over till the shops open and you can go crazy." I said and she hugged me.

"It's good to have you back." She said and i

I then went back home and wandered into the living room.

"Miss me?" I said. But immediately frowned when I saw her.

"Astrid did you attack Elena?" Stefan asked me.

"I didn't attack her. I simply pinned her to a tree and threw her a little." I shrugged.

"That sounds like you attacked her." Damon said behind me.

"So what if I did! Shouldn't I matter more. Oh wait I forgot you ran off with Katherine before and left me behind. Maybe history really does repeat itself." I said and stormed off. I threw my bag down and got changed.

I didn't want to talk to either of them so I went to bed. That didn't stop them from coming in later thought.

"Astrid?" I hear Stefan sigh but I don't move. I just pretend I'm asleep.


When I wake up I hear Damon and Stefan talking downstairs.

"The whole campsite was drained." Stefan says.

"So there's a new rouge vampire you want to do what about?" Damon says.

"I don't think it's just anyone." Stefan says.

"Stefan you can't seriously be thinking Astrid did this." Damon says.

"You heard what Elena said, she tried to drink from her."

"So what?" Damon says.

"So we don't know who changed her, who she learnt from or even if she learnt from anyone. She may not have ever been taught control!" Stefan snaps.

"So you think she's going on a killing spree? Have you lost it that's our sister." Damon yells.

"Is She though. Admit it Damon she's different. She's more careless and unpredictable. We have no clue what she's gone through since we last saw her." Stefan said.

Id had enough of listening and sped out.

"You want to know the truth? Fine!" I said in a low tone as I watched my brothers swallow hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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