The Triple Dip

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*draco walks in*

dm: "look i know i'm banished bu- WHAT THE FUCK? IS THIS A THREESOME?"


dm: "yeah bruh i was getting my apple 🥱🥱"

b: "for gods sake draco get in here and slang that thang around in me"

dm: "hol up miss thing, isn't that incest. girl SWEET HOME ALABAMA!"

b: " i mean periodt but chile anyways 😷"

tdl: "don't keep my dick waiting you foul
loathe-some evil little cumgarglers"

d: "shut up and put your plump masculine cock in dobbys small round puckered asshole"

dm: "ight pimp daddy bellatrix how bout we incorporate some bdsm auntie?"

tdl: "nah you mf this shits getting ghetto asf 💅🏼"

*voldemort leaves*

*draco bellatrix and dobby are left in the bed with a lot of bdsm equipment*

d: "so masters what do we do now?"

b: "drink our problems away."

dm: how bout i get my apple and leave. besides i've got an appointment with my solicitor 🙄"

*draco just starts slurping on dobbys thang*

*intense noises*

d: "mike wizowskiiiiiiiiii"

b: "oh please draco the only thing you solicit is that hermione whore on the corner she works every night, i know because i have a few times"

*draco stops gargling for a minute*

dm: "oi you watch it you grimy bitch, she's my girlfriend!"

d: "master of dobby may speak, you just swung your frost bitten cock in your aunts ass i don't think you really do girlfriends."

dm: "you're right you naked slanging rat 🐀 dobby, i do everyone except her LMAO"

b: "did you seriously just say the letters lmao? wow"

dm: "stfu you wide pussy whore you just fucked your nephew and your house elf 🥱 like you're any better."

*lucius and voldemort walk in*

luc: alright you ghetto mf let's call in all the death eaters for a massive orgy in my sex bed, expect your mother's company draco."

dm: 😧 *draco walks away and listens to harry styles*

b: let's get this party started

tdl: "alright freaky ma let's get this alihotsy in lines"

luc: *calls everyone in*

narc: *walks in british*

rde: *walks in swag*

narc: *coughs in british*

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