Dawn Is Upon Us.

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Dawn approaches, quicker than ever, Y/N is still busy trying to figure out how to explain to all of the 9 year olds on her youtube recommended that Dream didn't cheat in his manhunt, the glass of the old, dusty windows falls off with a large gust of wind blowing against it, Y/N shivers with the sudden feeling that somebody is watching her, somewhere, somehow. The deceased wooden panel falls off of the windows, causing Y/N to get up and drill it back on. The nails she used were rusty, and falling off as her fingers rub against the cold metal, she was uncertain as to why they fell off now, since this wind was nothing compared to previous winds, almost tornados couldn't make a difference towards the temperature of the cold inside the wooden, decaying, shack. Before clambering back into their cold, messy bed, she checks the time on the shattered clock, before lazily reading the time out loud to herself, huh.. I don't remember breaking that.. she shrugs it off and climbs back into bed, surprised by the loud noises coming from the windows, she had never heard it so loud, and no hurricanes were supposed to be happening that night, thinking nothing of it, she pulled her covers over her dirt-covered, stone cold face, before closing her eyes and drifting off into a dark sleep, unbothered, alone, or so she thought.

Morning came, her alarm didn't have a need this morning as Y/N was already awake, she couldn't sleep earlier that day, the winds had gotten stronger, and taken a turn for the worst. Y/N didn't get enough sleep last night, she was lazily walking around the room, the cold, wooden floor creaking underneath her, with each step she took, it felt like the cold, rotting-wood shack was collapsing underneath her. The feeling was still there, it felt like somebody was watching her, and it had been there for hours, the shattered time-teller was even more shattered, her cupboards were open now, and there was a clear difference in amounts of glasses, Was somebody in here last night?.. she though to herself, shaking with each thought piling in, wondering if somebody was watching her, if so, how long had it been going on for? "Show yourself! I'm not afraid anymore, I used to be hidden away in the dark but that happened for too long! I'm not a child anymore. SHOW YOURSELF!" She expected an answer in return, but instead, silence. It's deafening, nothing can be heard apart from the loud noises coming from the windows around the decaying shack. Y/N gets embarrassed at the thought it could've been a family walking around outside, or even her animals outside. It was probably just Foxie.. Ah! I need to feed her. Y/N says to herself, remembering Foxie hadn't been fed yet and it was already almost 10am, Y/N bent down to pick up the food for Foxie, expecting it would be light and easy to pick up, yet it wasn't there. After searching for a good 10 minutes, there was no food to be found in her shack, she went out to check whether Foxie was even alive, and to her surprise, yes, Foxie was alive, well, and fed. Y/N stood there in shock, staring at the gorgeously angelic arctic fox living at the side of her house, so many questions flew in and out of her head, demanding an answer, brushing it off, she went over to pet Foxie, happy she was here and not taken. 

After changing, Y/N decided it was time to go for a walk, putting on her chunky, dirty shoes, she stepped towards to door. Not long into the walk, she reached the end of the large, dense forest overhead, joining the path, they noticed a small park she had never seen before, she assumed it was recently made, but also not sure as she couldn't even remember when the last time she left was. A large family walked past them, smiling and waving whilst also trying to keep the 2 younger boys in control and near them, they were young, and clearly weren't brothers. The boy on the left always had a plastic mask on it's side, with a plain smile on it, closely similar to Dream's mask, but smaller, the other boy had light pink hair, reminding Y/N of Technoblade, Y/N smiled and waved at the boys before being interrupted by the 2 older parents, "These kids luckily aren't our children." Y/N looked shocked, but also scared for the boys, "Me and my husband here are just babysitting them for old family friends." added the young girl, she looked in her 20's, 27 at the most. Her husband, however, looked to be in his 30's, Y\N guessed he was about 32. Neither of them had a single gray hair visible to the human eye at this distance, Y/N smiled at them, before taking 2 packets of Sour Haribo's out of her pocket, and handing it towards the boys, expect a thank you, but receiving shouts in delight, "YAY!" Y/N giggled on the outside, but thought to herself on the outside Are these boys even being fed? I mean, they get excited over a small packet of sweets.. They continued walking their own ways, the boys leaving looking ecstatic and the parents looking... annoyed? Weird. 

After returning back to their shack, the clock was fixed, the cupboards were open yet again, and Foxie's food was back. She starts thinking about the boys at the park, something about the boy with the pink hair seemed... familiar to Y/N.. as if they had ever met before, but she couldn't remember seeing anybody with the same facial features as he had. The time read 12pm, meaning it was lunchtime, she got off her bed after taking her combat boots off and placing them near the door, and started to clean the kitchen, ready for her to make her lunch to then eat. At this point, she was starving since she hadn't eaten anything since 10pm last night, almost 14 hours.

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