Entering the prison.

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After going through the nether portal, they're surroundings are blue, Z shouts to get his attention, "UMM.. AM I IN THE RIGHT PLACE?.." he asks, a large, echoey voice goes through their ears, "Alright, go back through the portal again." they complete the task and go through the portal again, leaving them in a large room, even more echoey than the nether, lanterns lighting up the place as they step in, they notice the wall at the back holding several levers, What could they do?.. Y/N thinks to herself, she continues searching the room with her eyes, looking at all the intricate designs from the quartz marble on the wall, she places her hand on it and instantly flinches, cold.. she thought, Z steps forwards up to the lecturn, holding the book and Y/N follows behind him, making sure she is still invisible. Sam is there, looking at you, "There you are, hello. How are you?" he asks, in a low, monotone voice, reminding Z of technoblade, his voice is calming, Z answers," I-im good.." his voice showed he was scared, it trembled in fear and Z thought that the plan wouldn't work and they would both be locked up for the rest of eternity. "Thats good, thats good.. But before you visit, I have some questions I need to ask you. Alright?" questioned Sam, Z breathes out and nods, "A-alright, yeah, yeah thats okay." he answers, his legs are now beginning to shake. "Ok, first of all, when was, if there ever was, the last time that you visited?" His voice gets more calmed, and Z starts to shake less, getting calmer from his voice. "Ummm I've never visited, this is my first time." he answers, trying to keep calm and not panic, "Alright, and where is your place of residence located at?" Sams voice calmed even more, and slowed down, it became more monotoned as well, "I- uh.. I live in a shack in a forest, north from here, near the mountains, close to where Technoblade and Philza.. live..." he answers, he tries to stay calm but its not working and Sam's eyebrow elevates, curious as to why he sounds scared, but he doesnt think or act on it. "Do you believe that uh, the prisoner is deserving of being locked up?" He stutters slightly as he asks this, which confuses Z and Y/N, but neither of them think of it, did Dream do something awful, Y/N thinks, to then brush it off and continue listening, "Yeah, definitely." he answers, calming as he hears Sams reassuring voice, Sam continues, "Ok, what are your prior relations with the prisoner?" his voice goes from calming, to intimidating, "I actually have uh.. never spoken to him before, 1 on 1, really.." he answers, embarrassed, why would you meet him if you never spoke to him, Z?! You dont always have to be honest, you know? "Really? So this will be your first time then?" Z nods in agreement, he can feel his forehead heating up and his whole body starting to shake slightly, and sweat. "Ok, sounds good, ok um, are you willing to submit to any and all physical exams?" he adds, Z is unsure about the need for all the questions, "U-uh. Yeah, yup!" He answers, at this point, his forehead is sweating and Y/N notices his face going slightly red, and hopes Sam doesnt notice. "Ok, good. Do you acknowledge that you may not bring anything into the prison with you?" Asks Sam, "I um.. I kind of need to bring this memory book.." answers Z. "It's extremely important to me." Z starts to get flustered, he doesnt have the best memory, its quite bad, and so he has to write down any large events that happen to make sure he doesnt forget. "Sorry, a what?" Sam was confused as to what a "memory book" is. "Oh um, here I can just-" Z hands over the memory book to Sam, "You can flip through the pages a bit, I have to keep that because of my memory.." Sam starts to flip through the book, checking each page thoroughly to make sure there is no plans to get Dream out or do anything towards him. Z's blonde, curly hair was flowing slightly from the ac being quite strong in this room, helping him cool down, the sweat showed off his facial features, like the bone structure and Sam looks up at him from the book, "Okay, okay, that would, that would be okay, we could let that come in. I'd uh I'd have to transport it for you, though. Just to be aware." Says sam, after closing the large, leather book. Z looks at the book, knowing Sam will keep it safe, "Yeah, alright. Just please be careful with it, it means a lot to me. I've had it as a child." Z laughs a little bit, after making eye contact with Sam, he stops and goes slightly more red. "Okay, lastly. Do you recognise that I, Awesamdude, am the ultimate authority on these grounds of the prison?" Finally, the last question came up and Sam sounded serious. "Yes." Answers Z, sternly, he tried to make his voice sound as serious yet as calming as Sam's did. "Very good, I'm very glad that went well. Alright, open up the uh, the book here on the lecturn. I need you to read that out loud and as you read it out loud at the end I want you to agree to the book and sign it. I want you to read it out loud so that I know you read it." Sam informs Z of his next task, and he agrees. "I hereby assume all of the risks of visiting the holding cell. Including by way of example and not limitation, any risks that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the Prison guards m prisoners misbehaving, from dangerous or defective equipment." He reads outloud, carefully. Z then flips the page as loud and as slowly as possible, to give Y/N a chance to drink another Invis Pot. "-or property owned, maintained, or controlled by the Prison Guards. I certify that I waive, release, and discharge the Prison from any and all liability, including all but not limited to, death, disability, personal injury, property damage." It comes the time for his fingers to change to the next page, he fingers flip through the next page, making sure to not miss a page, before continuing, "property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me, including my traveling to and from visiting the Prisoner. Written name, then sign:" he reads, he goes to flip the page to the next, but to no avail, there is no other page, "If you could please write your name then sign the book, it would be great." Informs Sam, "Alrighty." Z writes his name and signs the book, before then closing it. He sighs, "Alright, lets get you a locker, please put all of your items inside locker 1." Z follows his orders and nods, watching Sam flick a lever up to open locker 1. He walks down the corridoor until he meets the double chest, and Enderchest. He places his items in the ordinary chest and puts the locker key Sam gave him 30 seconds prior into his Enderchest. He proceeds to press a button to move a block over the chest, making it impossible for him to get his items.

A/N im so sorry it took me so long to get this out, i havent touched it for about 2 weeks or so, normally i would finish it but i lost motivation quite quickly. more chapters will probably be coming soon idk 

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