Unexpected News.

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As the moonlight lit up the sky more and more each hour, it was closer to the end of the session, Y/N looked up at the sky, a gorgeous, dark blue, light glow spread across the grass, she knew what time it was, "10:43pm.." She muttered to herself, before placing her rotten, insect-infected crossbow onto the moonlit grass, sighing as she bent down and pulled the sack off arrows off her back. "Going so soon, darling?" She groaned, it was Elijah, he was always flirting with her, "Quit it, Eli." Eli was a flirt, it was awful having him as her boss, "I've told you this, there's no chance for you. You're like 5 years older than me, quit it." She put it firmly, silencing Elijah for the night, she thought. "W-wait! Check the news, some ugly green dude and a pig are fighting, I heard you showed an interest in.. whatever they are." Y/N sighed, before pulling out her rose gold iPhone, checking the news, she gasped, nothing like this was ever on the news, it must've been important. "Yeah, thanks, I'll go to the moon with this information, is that what you expected Elijah?" She had never felt more sarcastic, folding her arms, shaking her head. "Thanks." She said with a wink, leading him on, before turning away to go home. Looking at the shattered phone screen, she wondered whether she was blind or whether somebody was trying to contact her, as 60seconds prior to this, it wasn't cracked, she decided she was just tired, as it was late.

She clambered into her shack and changed into her pyjamas, before scrolling through twitter, So it's real? They are having a fight.. eh, it must just be a fist fight.. she thought, before scrolling to another post, causing her to jump, "A fight to take on the role of Mafia King?! They both work with us?! WHAT?" She shouted in confusion, a fight to be declared the mafia king? Since she had the role of the Mafia Queen that would mean... whoever became the mafia king would be her partner in crime, right? Her thoughts spiraled, she stuttered, hoping for some words to come out, none, she was so confused, they were best friends, they blew up Manburg with each other, they helped each other fight, but how would they fight? Dream's in prison, right? 

Packing her bags, she made sure she had everything, strength pots, invis, leaping, perfect, everything she needed was ready. Last step; sharpen the sword. She searched through her items, diamond.. diamond.. Perfect. The netherite sword, Elijah had gave it to her as a present, and encarved on it, "Only use when extremely necessary. ;)" She rolled her eyes as she looked at the wink, groaning at the thought he ever thought about them like that. She sharpened it, sharpness 5, knockback 2, not the best, but okay. Finally, she picked up her phone, her acrylic nails tapping against the rose gold thin aluminium sheet on the back off her phone, within moments the ringing noise came from her phone, Pick up, pick up.. she was calling somebody very special to her, her current partner in crime. Finally, she picks up, "Oh my god finally!" laughed Y/N playfully. "Haha, sorry about that, Eli told me he wanted me to go on a misson." he sighed, "Goddd.." she commented, "What was it?" Y/N asked, playfully. He let out a long, annoyed sigh, "He wanted me to go and hunt down "the pig" as he calls him." Y/N screeched in denial, "WHAT?!" she was furious, "You won't do it, right?" Her heart started beating in time with each syllable, trying to leave her chest, "Oh god, you really thought I would?! Theres no point, Dream's in pris-" She cut him off, "Not for long." she interrupted, leaving him speechless, shocked and worried for her safety, "What do you mean by that, Y/N?" He begged to know an answer, "Well I think you know, and I need your help with that." his eyes lit up, "You mean, you want to break Dream out of prison?" She nodded, "Oh god Y/N, that's a stupid idea! I mean, w-" She interrupted him again, "I have a plan, you dont need to worry about that." She informed him, "Meet me at my shack tomorrow dawn, I'll be waiting." she added, "Ok, I'll see-" She hung up. The decaying shack went silent, all that was heard was the powerful winds outside, and the water dripping through the ceiling, she remembered that she forgot to tell him something, she messaged him, "Dont forget the weapons. I have what we need, bring your sword and axe." Her heart sunk as she pressed send, was that the right thing to do? Maybe she should've though about it.. No, it was the right thing to do, with this plan she has now, she'll get dream out, and he can prepare to fight. Whether she broke him out or not, he would be leaving the prison in 3 weeks, the fight was in 3 weeks, he'd be fighting as soon as he stepped outside of those prison walls, weak, limp, and not as strong as The Blade.

The next day comes around and they are both planning how to get him out of prison. Hours and hours of planning go into this work, and by the time the sky is being lit up by the moon, "Okay, Y/N, what if this doesnt work?" asked Z, her partner in crime, Y/N scoffed, she scoffed loudly, before answering, "Trust me, I know that prison too well." She winked as she stood up from the cold, wooden floor, picking out parts of wood from her upper thighs, grimacing as she pulls out larger and larger chunks, "Get your bags." she demands for him to pick his items up, "We're going, now." She adds whilst checking her bags, Invis, strength, leaping, sword, pickaxe, check. She thinks to herself, "Let's go. I hope you're ready." he nods, whilst they both walk down the wooden stairs, breaking underneath them, the silence is deadly. 

Time goes on and as they get closer to the dark, mysterious prison, they see an issue, "Wait.. is that.." Z begins, cutting himself off as they stop in their tracks, Y/N turns around, checking their path is clear incase they need to run, "Technoblade?.." she finishes her sentence, before searching her bag thoroughly, "8 minute pot, 8 minute pot...." she says, trying to find her longest invis potion, "Finally, got it." Time is being wasted each second she's visible, she drinks it as quick as she can, causing her to go invisible, she puts on her mask to make it impossible to see her, and she grumbles to Z, "Go forwards, dont make eye contact, walk." he follows her orders, walking until they reach the prison, it towering over them, by the time they get there, Y/N runs around to the corner to drink another invis pot, its liquid sticking inside her throat, it was disgusting, but she knew it had to be done. She lifts her mask from under her chin up to her face, nodding at Z as her face disappears under the mask, walking towards him, only her footprints were seen. Large knocking noises came from the outside of the prison, as he knocks on the cold, unforgiving door, hoping for an answer in the freezing weather, his fingertips unable to be felt. Moments later, large pistons were heard as the door opened, revealing the nether portal to the prison. They stand there, shocked, before a large megaphone comes out of the wall, "Go through the nether portal before its closed." It announces, the sound is deafening to the ears. Slowly, they walk through the door, towards the nether portal. They stand in the nether portal, its loud noises adding to the deafening noises and the awful headache they already have.

i've read this chapter like 4 times trying to find z's real name wtaf


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