Chapter 19

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"He could have just broken her neck, it would have been quicker," Nina said.

"He is a vampire, he couldn't control himself." Lily blew a bubble with her gum and threw a look back at him. James smirked and waved.

Ella was a few paces behind him, chatting to dumb and dumber (Evan and Emmet). Mikey walked by his side and chuckled when he saw James's response to the girls.

"I see you are a hit with the girls." Mikey elbowed him lightly.

James looked at where the wolf had touched him and took a step away from him. "I don't intend to be a hit with people who don't appreciate when I saved their lives."

"So I presume that means you are just taking your time getting around to thanking me for saving your life?" Mikey raised an eyebrow.

James would rather eat his own stale vomit than thank the smug wolf. Still, if he didn't then that would prove his point wrong.

He struggled to part his lips to let the words out. "Thanks for your help."

"In saving your life."

"You helped save Ella."

"And you."

"You helped me fight."

"Because you were dead before I turned up."

"And you would be dead now if I hadn't of killed the witch." James sneered.

Mikey laughed. "That's true. Maybe it's a sign we make a good team."

What was with this wolf? He wanted to be on a team with a vampire. Didn't he know that they were meant to hate each other.

James chuckled and shook his head. "You wish."

"I do actually."

James stumbled at his words. He pinned him with a sceptical look.

Mikey shrugged. "This whole rivalry thing is old. So what if you are a vampire and I am a werewolf. Despite all your efforts to make me hate you I don't. Maybe we could be friends some day."

James scratched the top of his head. "People would try to kill us for messing up the natural order of things." Not that he wanted to be his friend anyway.

"People are already trying to kill us."

James didn't know what to say to this, so he decided to say nothing. This wolf was confusing him, and he already had to deal with Ella. One weird wolf at a time.

As they neared the house Ella cleared her throat, making everyone stop and look at her.

"I am going to go out for the night if any of you want to come." She pushed out her hip and stared at James, daring him to disagree.

James rolled his eyes. "You are not going anywhere."

"You can't tell her what to do," Emmet said.

James mouthed along to his words in a mocking fashion. "Thanks for your input but I am sure there is something else you would be better doing right now. Like chasing a ball."

Emmet glared at him and clenched his fists.

"Nice, dog jokes." Nina sighed and flipped her hair.

Mikey shook his head. "You guys come on."

James groaned. "Fine. Thank you Emmet for your invaluable input. But this is a conversation between Ella and I, not you."

Ella laughed. "I think you mean this is you ordering me around without my opinion mattering."

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