Chapter 7

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James didn't sleep. Instead he waited for the light of the day to fade into night and then got up and changed his clothes. The blood was dried on them and Mrs. Greene would have a hard time getting it out. James lifted the shirt to his face and sniffed. The smell of his own blood, like old socks and something rotten, assaulted his nose but he didn't pull back. he needed to imprint the other scent on the clothes into his mind. The smell of the alpha who had attacked him. It was a faint smell and it made him gag. The smell of old wolf was worse than that of the younger ones.

There was a light knocking on the door and James dropped the shirt onto the end of the bed then turned to face it.

Bonnie came into the room without making a sound. "Hey. I thought you might like to know that Ella is okay."

"Thanks." James slipped on his new shirt and lifted his fathers coat again. It smelt less like Richard now and more like James. However, the scent of the old vampire could still be caught when the fabric moved in a certain way.

Bonnie glanced at the shirt on the bed. "Are you going after them?"

"Of course."

"I assume you know that there are more wolves in the area."

James swore under his breath. Ella had said something about that, but he had forgotten with everything going on. More wolves meant more enemies to look out for and most likely more backup for Ella's father.

Bonnie nodded. "I thought you might have forgotten. Maybe we should get a feel for the new pack before we go out to get vengeance."

James squinted at her. "We?"

"Yeah. Orlando wasn't just your friend."

The mention of his name stung but James didn't show it. "You aren't coming with me." He walked past her and out the door.

She trailed behind him, steps loud and deliberate now. "You can't stop me. Besides you could use the help."

James chuckled. "I could use the help? You can't fight as good as I can, you aren't older than me, what help exactly are you offering?"

"I can deal with the people end of things. You would seem to be bad at that on account of being such an ass."

James rolled his eyes. He really didn't have time for this. He had to find the alpha and end him before the other pack came into town.

Bonnie grabbed his hand. Her touch was as cold as his, so it took a moment for him to notice the contact. She spun him around. "You need me for intel." James raised an eyebrow.

Before he could speak Bonnie powered ahead. "I can help you find people who can fix the Ella thing."

"What Ella thing?"

Bonnie half smiled before she spoke. "The whole you being linked to Ella."

James felt his blood drain from his face. "What the hell does linked mean?"

Bonnie's smile dropped. "It means that you can't go too far away from each other, I am not sure what the distance is."

James rubbed his eyes. He was starting to get a headache. "Can't you figure it out?"

"Spells don't work that way."

Sighing James asked. "What is the use in having a half witch friend if she can't even figure out spells."

"Hey, I do just fine with spells. I just can't read someone else's spell from the person it is cast on." She pointed down the hallway. "Ella is in the guest room that my mum used to sleep in. Go ask her about it."

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