Chapter 33

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James did his best not to gawk at them as they neared. Robert smiled fondly and pulled him into a hug. God James had missed him.

Eddie waved over Robert's shoulder. "Hey baby brother."

James glared at him. He knew he hated to be called that. Turning his attention to Robert he clasped his shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

Robert met his eyes. "I heard there was something going on and that you might need us."

James's throat almost closed and he pushed down his emotions. "This isn't your battle, either of you. You should go before you get dragged into it." It physically hurt to say that to him, but James would be damned if he let Robert or Eddie get hurt because of his mistakes.

"Battle? Jezz what have you got into now?" Eddie chuckled and James shot daggers at him with his eyes.

Robert sighed. "Tell us everything James, from the start."

James shook his head and took a step back. "I can do this on my own."

"But you don't have to. We want to help." Robert smiled at him.

"Besides, we are going to loiter around anyway so if you don't tell us how to help we will just be annoying," Eddie said.

James rolled his eyes. "You are always annoying."

"Theres the brat I know." Eddie stuck his tongue out at James, and it took everything in him not to punch him in the face. They were not kids anymore yet he insisted on acting like one.

James didn't want to drag his brothers into this, but he knew Eddie was right. If he didn't tell them what was going on they wouldn't leave. Instead, they would wait till someone told them what happened, and James would prefer if the story came from him. He wasn't exactly the hero of the tale, but he could do damage control if he was the one to tell the story.

Rubbing the back of his neck he sat on the ground again. Eddie settled next to him and Robert remained standing, watching him closely. Glancing at Eddie he felt nerves flip in his belly. He didn't know if Eddie would help or not, but he could be sure that he would mock him for getting into this situation. Eddie mocked everything James did. His ego begged him not to open his mouth, but he needed to tell them something. So beneath the stars on the driveway of the house, he told them everything.

When he had finished James held his breath.

Eddie let out a long whistle. "Damn baby brother, you got yourself in deep that's for sure." He chuckled. "It would have driven dad mad though."

At least he and Eddie could agree on that being a good thing. Once upon a time James had thought that annoying his father was enough reason to do something. Now he wasn't so sure. Keeping his eyes on Robert he waited.

Robert was stroking his chin and staring vacantly at the house. Even when they were little Robert had always known the way out of trouble and a childish part of James hoped he still did. Robert would know how to solve everything, and James would never get involved with witches again.

The sun had started to rise, and the golden light played in Robert's dark hair as he thought. The silence went on for ages.

"Robert?" Eddie urged. "What's the plan?"

James swivelled to face Eddie with his brows flattened to his eyes. "You are going to help?"

Eddie shrugged. "Thats what I said wasn't it?"

James waited for the mocking that would surely follow this statement but instead Eddie winked. Perhaps something had changed since they were kids.

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