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It is Sunday. I am going to go out. Though I am always accompanied by Miss Adele and a few bodyguards, at least I am going out.

"Excited, huh?" Adonis asked while adjusting his tie to the perfect position.


"Aren't you a bit heartless? I let you out every Sunday but get nothing in return" He said with a smirk plastered on his face. Not again.

"W-what do you want?" I fidgeted my fingers nervously, looking down at the flower pattern in my dress.

"Maybe a kiss" He tilted my head up, forcing me to look at him.

I gave him a quick peck kiss. He chuckles and pushes me into the bed. He gets on top of me and crushes me with his weight. He pulls the back of my neck and hungrily kisses my lips with occasional bites. I want it to end faster. But he did not think the same way.

He put his hand on my thigh and slid into my skirt. He began rubbing my sweet spot while exploring my mouth with his tongue. Disgusting.

His phone rang.

He pulls away from the kiss with a growl, showing frustration. He got up from me and I quickly pull down the skirt that was lifted. He chuckles at me.

"Tonight I will come early baby" He whispered in his coarse voice. I gulp down understanding what he meant. I wish he just disappears.

"Be a good girl, don't make me angry" He threatened. As if I can escape from him.


(Time Skip)

"I want to use the restroom, Miss Adele," I say to her. I have to ask permission for everything when I am out of the mansion.

"Sure dear"

The restroom is the only place the bodyguards don't follow me. But Miss. Adele is with me. We have become a bit close, not because I like her, I just don't have anyone to talk to other than her. After emptying my bladder, I open the door and see her stand in front of the door, scaring me a bit. Why is she acting weird?

She pulls me to a corner and when I tried to talk something she placed her finger over my lips, asking me to be quiet.

"Listen carefully Venus, in this bag, you have some dress" She handed me the bag, while I was still trying to synthesize what the hell was happening

"After changing the dress, go to the parking lot 54. I have kept the car key in the same bag and drive away to somewhere far okay?" I hug her tight as tears stream down my face.

"Thank you so much" I whisper.

"It's ok"


I feel a bit zoned out today. I don't know why. Maybe I miss fucking my wife. Yep, that would probably be the reason. I sign a couple of paper and when I was about to check the important points, a ring from the phone distracted me.

I frown as I saw my personal bodyguard's name in it. Don't do anything stupid Venus.

"Umm... Sir" I can feel his trembling body with his voice. I take in a deep breath, preparing myself.

"Where is she?" I ask as my patience has begun to retard "S-sir madam escaped with a car and w-we lost her"

"AND WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING?" I slammed the desk "Send the car number to my p.a right now"


I drive the car away from the city. I decided to stay in a hotel until Adonis gives up searching for me.

Will he give up?

Questions like these make me anxious. I wish he gives up sooner.

A loud horn pulls me away from my thought. I look through the rear mirror and see a luxurious car. The driver was rash driving just like Adonis.

Wait, what?!

I look again closer and find a hand hanging out of the window. He wore a silver bracelet with a crystal bead dangling from it.

And it is Adonis.

I speed up the second I realized it was him. I turn my head back to see him. I couldn't look at his face but I am damn sure that bracelet is his.

When I turn my head back to the road, I realized I am out of the road and was heading towards a tree. I tried to control the car but my anxiousness did not cooperate with it.

Within a blink of an eye, I see finely broken glass pieces scattered all over the place. I try to take my head from the steering but my head was spinning whenever I tried to.

"VENUS" I heard his voice before blanking out.

(And just a bit clarification, they found the car number from CCTV in the parking lot. This chapter is the present happening of the story. K?)

Words: 819

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