An explanation

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Lena's POV
Eventually all of us came back too our senses after staring at each other I looked at micha and then my brothers guilty they could never know micha only found out by chance at least I had time too come up with a good lie I honestly didn't expect my brothers too know German or french but here we are I have a good excuse for when I have too explain too my family why my best friend thought I was dead I just have too pray that he goes along with it

Asher's POV
I stared at Lena we all knew she was hiding something and now we had confirmation she's going too tell us what's going on and soon why would her friend think she was dead and at that micha he's a leader he's good at protecting people "atticus have you texted the others?" I questioned my brother so we knew what too do next at this Lena stared between us he then replied " yes dad said too go home now him and the others will be waiting for us he's already called the school too say we're going too be absent" I nodded at him I saw lean gulp and look too micha I grabbed her hand and began too walk she didn't say anything and just followed and then atticus cast a look too micha telling him that he's coming too to which he just stiffly nodded

Jeremiah's POV
"Adam call Leon now we're going home seems our little one has indeed been hiding something and Michael is a part of it" Adam looked confused but nodded and called Leon as we all headed back home I called the school telling them of my children's and Michaels absent I knew they would never question me so it was easy so many things ran through my mind but one thing was bugging me most and it seemed Adam was thinking the same thing "do you think she knows?" I questioned him at this he gripped the wheel tighter "I hope not I don't think so there would of been a tell or she would of told us she knew by now" I just hummed in response I was scared she knew of our not so legal Business

We pulled up at the same time as Leon he looked confused and worried we all nodded too each other and walked too my office it seems fitting for the situation that we should talk in there soon enough I checked the cameras too see my sons car pull up and a bike alongside it that must be Michael he's one of our many allies and he's very loyal and good at what he does

Lena's POV
I hopped out of the car and both my brothers walked straight into the house not even looking at me micha came too my side I looked around noticing the cameras he followed me like of sight and nodded once near the door I signed too him in asl "go along with what I say they can never know the truth I'm not some broken doll" he nodded in understanding then we walked into my fathers office all my brothers sat expressionless while Adam stood next too my father "Alena sit" my father spoke with so much Authority that I complied and he used my real name I must be in trouble

"So I hear you've got something too tell is care too explain and I want the truth" I sighed and nodded what I was going too tell them was technically the truth just not the real truth "what do you want too know?" I questioned them "well for starters why did Michael think you were dead and what don't we know" my father said calmly while staring at me

I looked at him and nodded "about six months ago I got seriously injured I was in a coma and the doctors didn't know who I was I was technically missing but with my history my foster parents told micha I was dead they told everyone as they believed it too when I became better and went back home we went back too normal they didn't tell anyone I was actually alive so when people saw me they were shocked I tried looking for micha but I couldn't find him or any of his people they were gone" at this a few tears slipped out of my eyes and micha looked at me sadly "I'm sorry little fighter if I thought you were alive I would of came back for you" I just nodded in understanding

"Lena how were you seriously injured?" Leon questioned me with a serious expression I looked at micha who nodded telling me too explain I think he figured out what lie I was about too use "rember I told you about that friend who used too street fight underground" they all nodded urging me too continue "well that bits true but I would also fight I was good at it too but this time my opponent got the better of me and I was hurt pretty bad" it was technically true it happened once and micha cleaned me up

All hell broke loose they were all throwing questions at me going mad telling me how stupid I was and how dangerous it was then Adam spoke up for rage first time "enough stop shouting now Lena care too explain why you put yourself in that much danger" I looked at how tense he and everyone was anger and concern radiating off them all I couldn't tell them that I liked the adrenaline rush and the feeling of being in control when my life at home was so shitty so I looked at him shrugged and answered "I needed the money we weren't rich I'm sorry okay"

Each of them stared at me some with sadness some with concern some with pity then our dad spoke "you never have too live like that ever again Tesoro just rember we all love you" tears pooled in my eyes as I nodded and said words I never thought I'd say "I love you all too" they all looked at me shocked even I looked shocked at myself then 5 pairs of arms wrapped around me causing pain too jolt through me but I didn't care I felt warm and loved

Hey guys I know I said I'd update on Thursday but I got over a thousand reads so I thought I'd publish a new chapter thank you all so much for reading and adding my story too your readers lists it honestly means the world thank you so so so so much also I thought I'd address Lena's name it pronounced lee-na so her names alee-na not like how you say Elena anyways thank you so much again 😊

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