Meeting my brothers

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Lena's POV
My body was slowly becoming conscious but all of a sudden became rigid when I realised I had limited movement and someone had hold of me I began too slowly panic as I turned too face a man in his mid twenties sleeping with his arms wrapped around me this stranger had a scowl that seemed too be permanently etched on his face silently I tried too wiggle out of his death grip when a gruff voice spoke too me "now now Lena trying too escape so early after what happened last night" last night what had he ment by last night and I slowly began too rember last night the flashback three boys hovered over me whilst I had a panic attack and another in the doorway bile rose in my throat as I thought of last nights events this man had done something nobody could ever do he'd pulled me from the grips of panic but that only made me more nervous they were going too question me they could never know the secrets that I hide in the midst of my worry a voice spoke too me "I'm not sure what happened last night Lena and I won't pry but I have a feeling I know why you had a panic attack and trust me as your brother you have no need too be so panicked about being here "
Relief began too wash over me he thought I was worried about being here and meeting everyone he wasn't wrong but that's not the reason for my troubles last night but he can never know the real reason I pulled myself up and looked around my room before just nodding too him in understanding he got up and walked closer too me I naturally stept back when he was Inches away and his face held confusion and worry he stepped closer placed a kiss on my forehead and spoke softly "I'm Adam by the way your eldest brother nice too meet you little one" with that he walked out of my assigned room and I just let out a breath that I'd been holding in this entire time

Adams POV
As I walked down the corridor too the main stairs I kept thinking too myself why she'd backed away from me when I advanced towards her was she scared of me already I have too do better and be more gentle around her she's already a nervous wreck I could feel the nerves radiating off her but as soon as I had said I was her brother she'd relaxed which I was grateful for after last night I know how scared my brothers are too face her I would have too explain not too mention it I don't want her too be embarrassed that she was afraid too meet us I could understand that but last night was terrifying and I'd still have too tell father about how she'd reacted too be here a sigh escaped my lips as I walked into the kitchen where each of my brothers tired and nervous faces snapped towards me In anticipation of answers of what occurred last night

"Good morning everyone Lena will be brought down in half an hour no one is too mention last night we don't want our sister too feel uncomfortable on the first day here so we now? What happened last night was just the fear of meeting her brothers which is normal I suppose after we all introduce ourselves properly me and Leon will head too work Asher and Atticus it's your job too show our sister around and make sure she feels welcome and then take her shopping for everything she will need no arguments I hope you understand boys" the boys nodded in reply and went back too doing whatever they were doing while me and Leon headed upstairs too get ready for work

Ashers POV
"What do you think she'll be like after last night" I questioned atticus with which he just replied with a shrug talkative as ever I suppose but that's my brother for you I guess I was excited too meet Lena we were close in age and I knew she was the missing piece in this family perhaps she could bring us all something we didn't have much of and that's happiness I already felt and overwhelming feeling of protectiveness and love for her especially after last night and at least we have the day too get too know her as in two days she'll be meeting our father I smiled too myself at the thought of finally having a younger sister so let the day commence

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