Bed rest

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Adams POV
Me and the boys looked too dad and then nodded too each other silently going down too the gym we needed too work out our emotions we needed too get into the right head space too be there for Lena as I was breathing heavy I stopped for a minute looking at the punching bag and around the room each of my brothers doing something similar none of us had wrapped our hands the pain we felt was our fuel our sorella had gone through much worse and we couldn't do anything too help her in all those years I felt helpless and yet she was not broken she was smart amazingly strong and from what atticus said talented at the violin she's our light in this world and what keeps us all going before we were all just surviving but with her we were now living our family never felt complete I always thought it was because of our mother but now I know she was the one we were yearning for and I'll never let her go again

Eventually we all collapsed on the matts panting and sweaty I looked at each of my brothers before speaking "we should head too bed so when we wake up we can be there for Lena" they all nodded we'd been down there for hours and we were all exhausted I went too dads office knocked and walked in "what are you doing you should get some sleep like me and the boys" I spoke too him softly as he had a upset and frustrated look plastered on his face "I was tracking down the Associates of her foster parents anyone who ever laid a hand on her will burn and face the consequences of hurting a Fairchild" I looked at him my eyes mirroring the same murderous glint and nodded too him and walked out we'd kill them another time right now I was going too Lena too stay with her and rest and then be there for her

Lena's POV
I started too stir awake and felt well rested but I felt a heavy weight keeping me down and I began too panic before a gruff voice spoke "it's just me sister sorry too wake you" I turned over and looked at Adam before smirking "it's okay your big gorilla arm didn't wake me I just slept enough is all" he looked at me and feigned hurt "what are you trying too say sorella I'm a gorrilla?" I just laughed before saying what I said next "well if the arm fits gorrila man" we both just sat there laughing when the rest of the family came in looking shocked I just eyed them confused

Dad then spoke "you got lucifer too laugh like actually chuckle Tesoro you really are something else" I just looked at them all weirdly and back too an exasperated Adam and then started laughing again but soon stopped and winced in pain at my ribs in a matter of seconds I was sat up in Adams arms and everyone was around me I could hear a chourus of are you okays and what's wrong I smiled slightly at them all "glad too know you guys care but I'm okay my ribs just hurt slightly" they all nodded looking at me and hugging me gently then Leon quickly scooped me up walking me downstairs with everyone trailing behind "I'm capable of walking you know" I huff out "nope you're on bed rest doctors orderes" atticus smugly replied too which I jabbed him in the shoulder "damn little sis that actually hurt you know" I just stood my tongue out in response it may be childish but who cares not me

Leon's POV
I finally made it too my medical room and sat Lena down carefully smiling gently at her she started too shift arkwardly "I just need too clean your cuts give you some antibiotics and pain relief and we're good too go don't worry so much and you won't be going back too school until next week speaking of I've scheduled your tattoo for Monday afternoon" she looked at me and nodded stiffly with a blank face I seriously hate it when she does that it bugs me I can't read her I mean it's good in our line of work but still I got too work helping her and cleaning the cuts at this she tensed and dad was quickly at her side holding her hand while the others looked away they didn't like seeing her in pain a small tears rolled down her cheek and I quickly wiped it away she looked at me and smiled gratefully I smiled back too her nodding in reply too her

Lena's POV
Leon was soon done cleaning my wounds and administrating my medication I sighed sadly looking at everyone "I'm okay now I'm here and safe it didn't even hurt that bad I saw you all look away I hope you're not disgusted in me" I breathed out looking at my hands "oh god is that what you think not for a second my love I'm proud of you and who you are you're a survivor I hope you know that and we will not treat you like some broken doll I know that's the last thing you want we just didn't like seeing you in pain is all" my dad choked out holding his tears at bay I smiled and squeezed his hand in appreciation "you say I'm a survivor right?so wanna see something?" I questioned they all looked at me confused I slipped out my left shoulder from my shirt "I covered it with concealer so that's why you didn't see it please don't be mad" I pleaded they looked at me scared "please don't say your hurt more little one" atticus looked at me afraid

I shook my head and moved my hand away from my left collar bone revealing my tattoo it said "survivor now and always" they all looked at it and back up too me staring at me "please tell me I'm not in trouble I've had it for years" they looked shocked "no sorella you're not in trouble we're admiring it and you you're amazing you're young but it's fine it has meaning and couldn't be truer" Asher smiled looking at me and all my family embraced me including atticus it was then I looked at them all frowning "what's wrong darling?" My father spoke softly and I started swearing in Italian and German and many other languages

"Not too say I'm not impressed because I am that you know so many languages but why are you cussing us out?" Atticus spoke confused and I narrowed my eyes at him and looked down at his and my brothers swollen fists they all started shifting uncomfortably I hopped up "all of you idiots sit now and don't argue with me" I ordered adding my signature you move you're dead glare at the end they all listened except papa who stood watching amused "you stupid stupid children I understand you were angry and probably wanted too let it out but too injure yourself in the process will not help me or you it makes me feel worse I don't want too see you hurt or in pain any of you especially not because of me" I spat out angrily while wrapping their hands they all smiled goofily at me

"I just scolded each of you why do you look so damn happy?" I shouted they all looked at me and adam brought my hands too his "because sorella you're being sweet you don't want us in pain now you understand how we feel towards you and this isn't your doing but thank you for taking care of us" he said happily pointing too their bandaged hands I just nodded and rolled my eyes but smiled at them anyways my brothers are going too be a pain in my ass I can tell already

Hey sorry I didn't update sooner in all honesty I was being a tiny bit lazy and was just binge watching the vpd and the originals but I hope you like this chapter and in the next one Lena will be meeting someone new and preparing for the ball I'll most likely update on Sunday as I'm busy toommorow and tired tonight but hope you enjoyed please vote and comment thank you

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