For family she'd kill

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Lena's POV
Once home everyone was on the phones calling our allies and preparing making sure they were here within a few hours most of our allies are loyal and agreed too help immediately some didn't need much persuading Sanchez and his weak army had hurt many others and also took shipments loosing them money he also participated in the dark side of mafia which gave the rest a bad name so nobody likes him and want too rid the earth of him it was getting loud and chaotic downstairs with preparation and people arriving so I snuck upstairs so I could prepare myself this night was going too be long and I needed too finalise my plan I already know he's in New York hiding among us I hacked my way into his system on our way back he believes he's hiding in plain sight not as smart as someone in his position should be but that was an advantage for us

Elijah POV (eldest cousin on Italian side)
I saw lena sneak away upstairs people are not her thing unless she's close too then which is one of the many things I've observed over the past almost year about her and by her determined look I can tell she already has intel and a plan ready for us which I want in on she can't prepare alone before mafia before any of this I'm her big brother and perhaps I shouldn't but I'll always put her first just as Adam and michail will so I caught their attention and signalled too go upstairs with my head they both have a Curt nod all of us are in mafia mode and prepared too unleash more pain than Sanchez can even conjure up in his sick twisted head

Adams POV
Once Eli signalled us we all crept upstairs and went too Lena's room before we could knock she mumbled out a "come in" which shocked Eli which in turn made lena chuckle when she saw his expression "always underestimating me brother" she tutted as me and michail sniggered I then cleared my throat "so go ahead tell us lena it's clear you already have a plan of action and a certain amount of intel" she looked at me smirking and nodded explaining her plan and telling us she knew where our target was and that we should go tell everyone too suit up and get our family ready referring too our soldiers as family made me proud as that's what we truly were I nodded stoic face back on and kissed her on the forehead ready too go prepare our people "before I go sorella you might want too have this I'm sure you'll find somewhere too put it when you yourself suit up" I spoke  handing her a blade I had specially made for her she took it from my hands running her own across it and her eyes shone "thank you fratello I love you more than I can express" she breathed out and just in michail fashion her ruined the moment making all of us laugh before departing her room by saying "okay enough of the sappy shit let's get ready too kill some people"

Lena's POV
Once the eldest left I was preparing myself but first things first I had too get ready and I already knew what too suit up in

Lena's POV Once the eldest left I was preparing myself but first things first I had too get ready and I already knew what too suit up in

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(Without the sun glasses)

Once ready I strapped as many weapons too me as possible and strode down the main stairs a confident dark aurora surrounded me that many who'd already gathered turned and looked at me I nodded in respect too my elders and our allies I'm sure my frattelli had already divulged the plan so I made my way outside too get on my motorcycle and put my earpiece in "stay safe everyone let's bring these stronzos down" papa said and I smirked nodding too myself in acknowledgment

Jeremiah's pov
Within fifteen minutes we made it too one of our old abandoned warehouses we'd left it too rot a few years ago as it was old and navigating the old hallways was getting difficult I knew I should have blew it up it was smart yet dumb for Sanchez too hide out here we found him easy but the floor plan of this place was fuzzy but Lena's plan was smart we'd surprise them starting this war they're not prepared and we are quicker than most and had more man power than he did "ok on the count of five everyone prepare too breach stay safe stay alive" I whispered through everyone's ear piece making eye contact with lena nodding at her she smiled confidently back most likely after seeing the worry in my eyes I counted down and that's when the chaos began

Igors POV (Lena's grandfather)
Once we were all in and fighting it became a blood bath lena was neutralising targets making sure they couldn't harm the others while Adran killed them when she wasn't looking most likely saving her the job of having too go against her morals we all loved her and didn't want her too suffer with a guilty conscience soon enough more of that stronzos men came out of hiding but they were in a pattern each of them targeted alena which caused us all too surround her and try too protect her while she was fighting them off two there was at least three men too each member of my family our allies had gone directly too find Sanchez while we occupied the enemy we were almost finished fighting when I heard a sharp intake of breath I looked over and saw lena standing over a body in shock i furrowed my brows

Lena's POV
It all happened so quick I had no choice we were busy fighting off Sanchez's men when I looked over too see Alexie surrounded he'd managed too fight off and kill two but one was sneaking behind him with a knife raised up I lifted my gun and shot him his body went limp I'd shot him in the chest I'd killed him the silence and the ringing in my ears was deafening I inhaled a sharp breath and stood there almost as if In shock until someone placed a hand on my shoulder I looked up and saw leonoid "I killed him I..I..." stuttering like a fool I looked around at the carnage and too my family until Damian did something he shot the man in the head "now we'll never know which of us killed him and he wanted too kill you first always rember that sorella" he breathed out coming close too me and planting a kiss on my forehead I nodded slightly smiling at him

Hey guys long time no see I'm sorry about that life's been hectic for a while but I'm back and will most definitely be posting more often and hopefully start on my second story soon I hope you enjoy this chapter I know it's left on a slight cliffhanger but don't worry you'll see what happens too Sanchez I'm the next chapter please feel free too vote and comment I always love seeing your comments and interactions with my story lots of love ~ saffron ❤️

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