Secrets revealed

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Lena's POV
I woke up in a good mood remembering yesterday's event even the part of atticus putting me too bed that put a smile on my face I walked into the bathroom showered and did my business and stopped looking at the mirror my arms and legs were still littered with bruises and scars some faded and some not my right coller bone was bruised a deep purple and black as were my ribs with a tinge of yellow I stared at my broken form how could I be so strong yet so weak at the same time I quest myself

Shaking my head I walked into my closet throwing on some Nike pro leggings and a oversized hoodie and sports bra I'll probably go the gym after school I need too blow of some steam once I was done getting ready the smell of food hit my nose and I was unusually hungry so I walked downstairs and sat down next too Asher I winced a little as my ribs hit the table I hoped nobody noticed but atticus stared at me confused

Atticus's POV
Lena sat down opposite me next too Asher but as she went too sit down she knocked her ribs slightly and winced you could see the pain in her eyes but she barely touched the table I stared at her confused for a moment before speaking "what the hell was that Lena" she looked at me and I saw fear flash through her eyes and she quickly masked it I hated when she did that I could never see her true emotions now I know why my family get so frustrated with me

She looked at me calmly and spoke "what was what atti" she said pretending too be confused and that nickname won't work not now "don't play dumb you only knocked yourself slightly but you looked as if someone stabbed you" at this everyone turned too Lena looking worried and papa spoke up "are you okay my love are you hurt?" She shook her head "no I'm fine atticus shut up now" she growled out before standing up defensively this made me angry I stood up threw my arms at the table and shouted at her "ALENA TeLL US RIGHT NOW WHATS GOING ON" she flinched away from me and took a step back everyone stared confused as Asher glared at me "atticus you're scaring her stop" he looked at me pleadingly

Lena began too walk away but I ran in front of her she bumped into me falling back hitting the floor with heavy impact and then let out a blood curdling scream clutching her left side that she landed on tears streaming from her eyes everyone stood up and was at her side in seconds I stood there shocked it shouldn't of hurt that much I've never seen her cry like this before whilst gasping for Breath

Leon's POV
My father and other two brothers were at Lena's side within seconds as was I she was writhing around in pain dad scooped her up cradling her in his arms before walking into the living room and placing her on the sofa gently he looked at me and nodded "Lena I need you too tell me where it hurts and how bad okay" she just nodded in confirmation "is it your ribs?" Again she nodded "how painful"
"At least an 8" she croaked out coughing I stared wide eyed I needed too see in case it was broken or punctured a lung everyone looked beyond worried at this point

"Lena I need too see now" she stared at me wide eyed and sat up shaking her head quickly "no I'm fine I'm just being dramatic it's not a big deal" Asher scoffed "show him now Lena you clearly weren't being dramatic you're hiding something" he practically yelled this is the angriest I've seen him at her she looked at dad and Adam with pleading eyes but they both looked too me and nodded so I stepped closer too her "please don't you can't" she whimpered out

"Hey hey shhh it's not going too hurt I just need too see okay" I tried comforting her but she just chocked on the sob she was holding back and whispered "but then you'll know" everyone stared at her "know what Tesoro?" Dad questioned and she just shook her head I looked at atticus and he nodded knowing what I was asking he walked too Lena pushed her back down holding her wrists as she tensed at his touch trying too break free but she couldn't then Adam held down her legs as I approached her

Lena's POV
Atticus and Adam were holding me down and Leon was getting closer there was no was too get out of this so I let the tears flow freely as I looked too my father and Asher they looked at me sadly then I felt Leon pull up my jumper he was only at me stomach and audibly gasped when Adam and atticus looked they let go stepping back a bit looking away I knew they'd be disgusted with me if they ever knew Leon looked at me sadly and motioned if he could carry on I trusted him and knew he'd help

I pulled my hood over my head and all my bruises and scars were on show I just laid there defeated crying "I think I'm going too be sick" Asher spoke and threw up in a small trash can that was in the room and sat down with tears in his eyes "I'm sorry" managed too choke out the all looked at me with widened eyes "hey shhh it's okay it's not your fault we're not judging you okay we're just shocked who did this Tesoro?" Adam questioned me with his eyes softened they looked glassy as if he might cry

I just started too cry letting all the tears of torment out "it was them they did it I couldn't fight back I tried I swear but they brainwashed me and everytime I tried too escape they'd find me and it was worse" they all looked at me saddened "how long for?" My father questioned we dark eyes "it started since I can rember but got worse when I was five when Maria disappeared I think they killed her and used it as a scare tactic" all their faces looked murderous

Atticus bent down whispering sweet nothings into ear while stroking my hair "nobody will ever hurt you again I swear on my life" I looked at him and cried harder as I sat up he pulled me into a hug

Adams POV
I was beyond angry our little sweetheart had gone through something so dark and yet been so strong she didn't even want us too know I walked out I needed too calm down before I spoke too her again I walked into the kitchen got painkillers and water and walked back in and handed them too her she smiled at me grateful and I smiled back she swallowed the pills and I stared back at her she nodded knowing I wanted too ask something

"Did other people partake in what happened too you?" She nodded in response looking too everyone with sad eyes I took a deep breath and began what I knew would be the hardest part "Lena I'm only going too ask you this once so we can understand what happened too you and then we never have too speak of this again if that's what you want" she looked at me took a deep breath and nodded again everyone knew what I was going too ask her so they prepared

"Were you ever assaulted in another way?" The words left my mouth in a shaky tone my usual composed tone and self gone she looked at me more tears spilling from her eyes as she hugged her knees too her chest "yes he did once and another time they sold me" she cried out breathing quickly and paled Asher grabbed the trash can and put in front of her we all looked at him confused until she started being violently sick atticus rubbed her back telling her too let it all out

Jeremiah's POV
Once she stopped being sick she looked at us all and then too me silently questioning me with her eyes I couldn't believe what my strong brave girl had gone through I'll kill whoever hurt her "Lena you're so strong and nothing you told us here will make us feel and different we all love you so much and I'm glad you told us each of us will protect and be there for you until your dying breath" all the boys nodded and hugged in agreement and she smiled at us all "thank you" she softly spoke we all smiled and gathered around her hugging her until she drifted asleep

I carried her too her room and kissed her head as did all the boys and Leon spoke up " she has a few broken ribs and bad cuts I'll give her some antibiotics and some pain relief she should be okay but she's not too go too school until next week and she's on bed rest" we nodded in understanding "okay boys we all need too process so you can all do what you need too we'll talk about the rest toommorow" they all nodded smiling sadly at me I sighed waking away as my boys decided what too do with their rage

Hope you like this chapter the secrets finally out but what will happen next there's more too come the gala meeting her grandparents and seeing someone she never thought she would please vote and comment if you have and ideas let me know 🙂

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