The truth comes out

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Lena's POV
Once everything calmed down our allies met us outside the French mafia holding onto a struggling Sanchez he didn't deserve too die not yet he deserved worse I glared as he was thrown too mine and my family's feet a small trail of blood trickling down his face he spat and then spoke "I'd hoped I'd kill you Alena you deserve too die these past few years you've preserved well I'd thought you'd of killed yourself by now" he laughed too himself staring into my eyes I shook my head and walked away after mutter a "I'll explain once he's locked up" too my family here was not the place nor the time jumping back on my bike I pushed the button and blew the warehouse up before riding away I needed just a few minutes of quite before inevitably being bombarded with questions from my curious family

Jeremiah's POV
I watched lena get smaller in the distance I shook my head slightly confused but nevertheless continued I thanked our allies and dismissed them with Adam before motioning my family too come back too our home now the threat had been neutralised I had a feeling we needed too hear what Sanchez meant he had said years so he'd been planning this long before we knew of Lena's existence which makes a sense of dread wash over me my little sweetheart what ever had he done too you I thought too myself and from the surrounding faces of my family I knew that they felt the same we wordlessly climbed into our cars heading straight for home

Adams pov
Once home we walked into our family room too see lena sat there with papers surrounding her on the table I recognised them immediately the papers Amelia had left with her and the medical file in which dad had got from the hospital I looked too an exhausted lena "sit down fratelli and familia I'll explain it all I only just pieced it all together myself really but I guess a part of me had some knowledge these past few years" she spoke softly almost mono tone I sat next too her taking her hand in mine and leaning her head in my shoulder I wanted too be the one too comfort her just this once I had a feeling she'd need it

Lena's POV
"So we all know this stuff was left with me when I was a baby well I guess it's time for the truth too come out Amelia our mother she was as much a victim in this as me I never brought myself too read the letters not until now you may read them yourself but long story Short Sanchez took Amelia all those years ago he didn't know she was pregnant but he wanted too weaken you too try and take over our mafias he failed obviously as your hurt was turned too anger and you became more ruthless but Amelia wanted too protect me Sanchez barely came too see her so she hid her pregnancy easily and bribed a guard when the time came too run with me and take me somewhere safe she died in labour but she wrote the letters explaining everything too me and how sorry she was and how when the times right too look for the Fairchild family she protected me the best she could the guard panicked when he realised he was being chased he left me in the heart of London and ran I'm assuming but Sanchez he had a rage when he found mom dead and knew the cause he was determined too find me it took him a few years as he thought I was another boy but when he found me he corrupted my foster parents made them worse they joined a branch of his mafia in London and well the rest you can put together" after explaining I let out a breath and let my tears fall freely

There was pin drop silence I stared at my family my grandparents (Amelia's parents) looked beyond heartbroken "my little girl" nonna muttered clinging too nonno it was so heartbreaking too see but the worse was papa he looked so lost I know he loved Amelia even through all the anger and now he knows there was no reason for the anger and that Amelia protected us all and sacrificed for all of us until her last breath I clung too adam heartbroken and he hugged me just as tight

Jeremiah's pov
"Sanchez will pay but I'll be the one too kill him" I spoke firmly too everyone a few were going too protest but one look from lena they were silent I was shattered my poor love but at least now we know the truth and why she left us it wasn't of her own free will and she loved us with her whole life but for now I want too focus on our family being a family it's what Amelia would want I thought too myself as I looked towards my amazing familia

Hey guys long time no see that is really my bad but unfortunately it's been a rough few months after restrictions were lifted it was difficult too restart life and figure out where too go but I'm back and I hope you like this update this is actually the end of my little sweetheart there will either be a sequel or an epilogue but that's for you too choose as I'll be starting my second story soon feel free too vote and comment

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