Evie Adams vs The Lightbulb Moment

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I lay in bed at five o'clock in the morning perfectly content for the first time since I had arrived in Scotland. The games had been a huge success, the local villagers were beginning to warm to me – even if it was only slightly – and I was finally beginning to feel like this place could be a home for me.

Mr Dennison hadn't mentioned any more about selling the house since that first night he arrived and he actually seemed to be enjoying himself. He'd gushed about the shooting, fishing and foraging we'd laid on for him and was still amazed that he'd taken part in the games. Now we were on the home stretch, tonight was his last night up here and we'd planned a night sleeping under the stars for him.

I smiled to myself as everything seemed to be falling into place at last. The fact a businessman from London had come up to Scotland and taken part in activities he'd never have thought of before hit me hard. I sat bolt upright as an idea formed in my mind, an idea that could just save the estate and my home.

Throwing the covers off my body, I let the cold air wake me up further and the idea sharpened more in my head. It was the different activities he'd enjoyed, other people might enjoy them as well and we had all the equipment and space here. People might actually pay to come and do the activities, we could even have adventure days for children and school residential trips.

I needed some paper, a pen and lots of coffee. Pulling on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, I headed down to the kitchen as the sun began to spread its rays. The kitchen was cool and empty as I switched the lights on and filled the kettle for the stove. It was eerie how quiet and still the place was, no traffic noises or sirens that you would hear in London. I sighed and filled a coffee pot with enough coffee to keep a small army awake at night.

A notepad and pen rested on the table and I began to jot down all the ideas that were flittering through my head. Some obviously couldn't work and others seemed like strokes of genius, by six o'clock I had a few solid ideas in place and was working on a plan of action to get them up and running. The turn of a key in the lock startled me and I nearly fell off the bench as I turned to see who it was.

Seth walked through the door and smiled as he saw me sat at the table. "Morning, I didn't expect to find you down here so early. I saw the light on and thought Lexie was up making breakfast." He walked over to me and put his arms around my shoulders and pulled my body into him. "I can't say I'm disappointed it's not her." He bent down as I glanced up at him and placed a soft kiss on my lips that I could still feel as he moved away.

"What are you doing anyway?" He grabbed a mug and poured some coffee for himself.

"I woke up about an hour ago with a brainwave. I think I might have found a way to get the money we need to save the estate and then some." I smiled tiredly as I reread the notes I'd been scribbling down, there were lots of crossings out and little doodles that only I would be able to understand but I nodded as I realised it may actually work.

"Colin already tried winning the lottery and that just made it even worse." Seth grinned as he took the seat next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. I sighed as I leant into his warmth and smelt the crisp, fresh smell of soap and early morning dew.

"It's got nothing to do with the lottery. I want to create an activity centre on the estate, a place where business people and school children can come and learn skills like fishing and archery and foraging. They can stay in the house or camp in the grounds and we can teach them about wildlife and what it's like to live in a place like this. We can charge them and use the money to save the estate."

I didn't dare look up at Seth as I shared my idea scared he'd shoot me down instantly and I'd lose all belief in the scheme myself. When I finally looked into his face, he had a thoughtful expression which turned into a wide smile as he gazed into my eyes.

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