Evie Adams vs The Technical Glitch

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The house had transformed overnight, there was tartan everywhere and the McDonald family colours adorned every wall in every room. All the floors had been polished, the carpets hovered and the silver shining brighter than ever before. I stood in the hall admiring all the work everyone in the house had done over the last couple of days. The ball was tomorrow and everything was just about ready, Lexie and Alice were putting the finishing touches to the food and the band were arriving to set up at eight o'clock in the morning.

I glanced around the hall and nodded with satisfaction, it looked like a completely different place to the one I'd walked into all those weeks ago. My body ached, I could barely keep my eyes open and I felt like crawling into bed for a week and a half but it was definitely worth all the hard work.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back into a deliciously comfortable body heat. I closed my eyes and leant my head back on the shoulder behind me. "I've got good news and bad news." Seth whisper fluttered across the skin on my neck, I sighed wanting to just fall asleep and forget all about the hard work and get ready for tomorrow.

"I'll take the bad news first and get it out of the way." I waited dreading the worst that could happen.

"Well I just got a call from the band I've organised for the ball and" He paused and I couldn't help but run through all the worst scenarios that could possibly happen. The lead singer breaking his arm and them having to cancel, the lead singer losing his voice and them having to cancel, some freak weather phenomenon and them having to cancel. Basically anything that meant the band cancelling. "There equipment is broken, they don't have an amp for their guitars or their microphones. However I have spoken to a friend and he's got one we can borrow."

I sighed as the reality wasn't as bad as I had been expecting, turning in Seth's arms I faced him and found a sheepish look on his face. Furrowing my brow he opened his mouth and sighed. "The only problem is it's a four hour drive away in Manchester, but if we go now we can be back before midnight."

"Oh right, is that the good news?" I asked sarcastically as I felt the tiredness reach another level with the realisation that I wasn't going to get an early night after all.

"No the good news is that Mum and Lex have finished all the food and everything is ready for tomorrow." He smiled hoping that it would outweigh the news he had just given me.

"Everything except the amp for the bad so that everyone can hear the music and be able to dance." Tilting my head back I looked at the ceiling and sighed, it was going to be another long night.

"I can go by myself if you want or I could take Angus with me if you want to stay here. You look tired and I know you've been walking really hard. He pulled me closer into his body and for a moment I thought about taking up the offer to be left behind but the ball had been my idea and now it was my responsibility to make sure everything went to plan.

"No it's fine, I just need to grab my bag and cup of strong coffee and I'll be good to go."


Three and a half hours later I woke up to sight of a Manchester evening, the coffee hadn't really worked and I'd fallen asleep before we'd gotten ten miles from Glenduggan. I stretched the best that I could in the uncomfortableness of the car seat, my neck and back ached from sleeping in a strange position. Turning to my right I found Seth grinning at me.

"What?" I sounded like I was still half asleep and felt exactly the same way.

"You talk in your sleep, it was a pretty interesting conversation you seemed to be having." He grin seemed to grow even wider and his tone of voice made me blush at the thought of what I might have said. "Oh Seth! Right there, that feels so good! Oh God! Do it harder Seth! Yes! Yes! Yes!" My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed bright pink at the sounds Seth was making. Normally I'd have laughed it off but there had been an R-rated dream involving him and now I was really worried that I had been sleep talking.

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