Evie Adams vs The Morning After the Night Before

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I sighed contentedly as I began to stir, my eyes fluttered slightly and I remembered the incredibly erotic dream I had had about Seth last night. They were becoming a nightly occurrence and were getting no less steamy each time they captured my sleeping mind. This time we had gone all the way, it was so realistic that my muscles still ached with a deep satisfaction. I stretched under the covers and felt a warm heavy arm curl around my midriff. My eyes flashed open and fell upon an unfamiliar bedroom and I found myself in an unfamiliar bed, unfamiliarly naked.

That’s when it dawned on me that last night’s dream had in fact been reality, I had spent the night in Seth’s bed with him doing the most amazing things to me. One moment in particular flashed through my mind, we were lying tangled under the covers having done the deed. Seth was lying with his chest uncovered – a very toned, sexy chest, I might add – and I couldn’t help but stare at him and his Adonis-like body.

My fingers of their own volition had begun tracing patterns across the faint hairs of his abs, it was a relief to be able to touch him. It was at this moment he uttered words that astounded me and made me feel glad I had come all the way up north.

“Whoever said you weren’t good at sex is an idiot, believe me that was amazing.” I had continued trailing my fingers softly across his smooth skin, when his hand pulled mine away and he rolled on top of me trapping me against his body. “What kind of magic do your fingers possess? Because I just can’t get enough of them.” He proceeded to kiss each finger of both my hands.

He stretched both my arms above my head as his mouth moved to my neck, his lips grazed kisses along my collarbone as his stubble tickled my skin. My body began to squirm from the pressure and his head pulled back to look in my eyes. I’m sure my own expression matched his, flushed with lust and ready for round two.

Back in the present I smiled to myself and rolled over so that I could look into Seth’s face. When I found him with his eyes closed and his was chest rising and falling slowly, my heart almost stopped at how beautiful he looked. I curled into his chest, lost in the moment, never wanting to leave this bed or the arms of this man. I felt his head shift and his lips brush the top of my head gently.

“Good morning.” Tilting my head back, I saw a smile spread slowly across his face as he glanced down at me. I couldn’t help but grin back, feeling completely smug about last night. “I trust you enjoyed last night Miss Adams.” His smile widened to that cheeky, sexy grin of his.

“Why I certainly did Mr Jameson.” Moving my hands to cradle his face, I pulled his lips down to mine and thrilled at the heat that pooled at the points the two of us were connected. Which soon became nearly every inch of our bodies as we began to intertwine ourselves with each other.

“I can’t believe we waited as long as we did to do this, I’ve never felt this alive before.” His words came out between kisses as he pushed me into the covers underneath us. “I don’t think I can leave this room while you’re still in it, you’re just too irresistible.” I chuckled softly at him as he continued to ravish me with kisses, I could definitely get used to this.

“Ah, but we have to leave this room at some point. For what will we eat if not?” I moved my head to the side to avoid his mouth but they just latched onto my neck instead.

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