Chapter 1. Homecoming

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"Aubrey," I say as I enter the kitchen to see my beautiful wife cooking. She turns and gives me that beautiful smile.

"Cruz, you're finally home," she cheers before running towards me.

"I missed you and Braylee so much, babe," I whisper as I wrap my arms around her.

"We missed you too. I hate when you have to go out of town for weeks at a time, but I understand why you have to. I'm just so happy that you got that promotion and you won't have to be away from home that much anymore."

"True, but when I come back home, we love making up for lost time," I say as I lower my mouth on her smooth neck.

"Yes, this part is definitely my favorite part. I say we skip dinner and get to dessert," she seductively whisper in my ear. My hands grip her hips and I walk her backwards, against the wall. Her soft moans escape her lips as I place my hands under her long nightshirt and message both breasts.

"Hello, Aubrey?" we snap our heads towards the kitchen entrance as we hear her best friend's voice.

"Damn it, of all times Lydia shows up now?" My frustrated voice growls.

"Cruz, she is dropping Braylee off. I promise, tonight, we will pick this erotic homecoming back up in our bedroom once we put Braylee to bed."

"You promise, Aubrey?" I grab her hand, pulling her back against my chest.

"Do you even have to ask, Cruz? I am just as sexually frustrated as you," she assures me.

"Mm, be prepared, my beautiful wife, I plan making you scream my name as often as I can tonight."

"You promise, Cruz? "

"Mommy, daddy? You're back home," she cheers before wrapping her arms around my legs.

"Hey there peanut, I take it you missed me as much as I missed you," I smile as I lift her up in my arms.

"Me and mommy missed you so much, daddy. We hate it when you have to leave for work," she pouts.

"I know you do, baby girl. You know daddy won't have to leave as much anymore."

"You won't daddy?"

"Nope. Daddy finally got that promotion and that means, daddy won't have to leave as much anymore."

"Yay, daddy. I'm going to go take my bag upstairs and plan a daddy daughter date to celebrate," her words cause me to chuckle.

"Hey, Cruz," Lydia says before hugging me.

"Hey, Lydia. Thank you for bringing her home."

"No problem. Oh my god, I have terrible timing. I can tell I just interrupted your joyous homecoming."

"No," Aubrey and I both say.

"Really, then why is your shirt half open and why is your hair a mess, Aubrey?"

"Okay, so maybe you're timing is a little bad, but Cruz and I have special plans tonight. Obviously when Braylee is in bed fast asleep.

"I'm so sorry about my horrible timing. I can take Braylee back home with me to give you two some alone time," she grins."

"Thank you, but no. There is no way Braylee will leave now. She has been counting down the days for her daddy to come home. Now that he is home, there is no way she will leave his side. Perhaps next weekend?"

"Sounds good. I am going to let the three of you spend some time together," she hugs Aubrey and then me.

"Bye, auntie Lydia, I love you."

"Bye, baby girl. I love you more. See you next weekend."

"I am so happy to be back home with both my girls."

"We are so happy you're home, daddy. I hope you don't have to leave again for a long time," she climbs on my lap.

"Cruz, I love you and I'm so happy you're home," Aubrey says as she leans down to kiss me.

"I love you mommy and daddy," Braylee chuckles as she lowers her head under our chins.

"We love you too, our beautiful baby girl," I reply.

"Be right back, I want to go get my gift I got for you and mommy," she hurries out of the kitchen.

"I can't tell you how happy I am you don't have to travel for work that often anymore, Cruz."

"Are you? Well, tonight, I want you to show me how happy you are I'm back home and I don't have to leave that often anymore."

Later that night, after finishing up some paperwork and paying some bills online, I head upstairs and peak in Braylee's room. She is slumped over her Dora desk with her crayons scattered over her desk and a few are on the floor. I stand here for several minutes thinking what a blessed man I am. I have the world's best wife and a beautiful child we struggled to have.

Quietly I make my way over to her and gently roll her into my arms. She instantly cuddles up next to my chest. A smile forms across my face as she rubs her face next to my cotton shirt. Her arms curled up to her chest and face nearly buried into my chest. Gently, I bend to my knee and place her on her Dora themed bed. As I lift myself up, her groggy eyes flutter open.

"I love you daddy," she whispers. I lean back down to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Daddy loves you so much, baby girl," I say and soon hear a small snore.

"And mommy loves daddy," I feel her hands wrap around to my stomach. The soft touch of her makes me feel butterflies.

"And daddy loves mommy," I softly reply as I lead us out of Braylee's room and into our own room. I turn to see her back planted up against the wall. I bite my bottom lip as she unties the red and black nighty barely covering her breasts and erect nipples.

"Someone dying to show their husband how much you missed him?" I grin.

"I want to feel you pleasure every inch of me while I pleasure every inch of you," she purrs as she lifts the see through nighty over her head.

"Dear lord, you are so beautiful, Aubrey."

"Touch me, Cruz," she commands. I step closer to her. My eager hands gently message her exposed breasts.

"I love you, Cruz."

"I'm about to show you how much I love you, Aubrey." 


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