Chapter 3. Let The Drama Begin

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I force the lump that has grown in my throat down and feel the nerves taking over my body, knowing I will have to break the promise I made to my wife and daughter. I stay in my office as long as I can. I do not want to look at Aubrey and Braylee, knowing I will end up breaking their hearts. There is no doubt it will break both their hearts after hearing there is no way out of me having to leave once again and so soon after I just got back home.

"Damn it. I don't want to break their hearts, but I can't lose Jasper Knox as a client. I have spent over six years trying to land him as a client. And now, I am this close to getting him as one of our major clients. I would be insane to turn him down."

"This close to what, Cruz?" My head snaps up from my hands as I hear her voice at the door. I notice her eyes fill with disappointment and I feel sick to my stomach knowing I now have to explain myself.

"Aubrey, I swear to you, this wasn't my idea. I did not know this was going to happen. Ken and I thought it would be impossible to land the one client we have been,-"

"Stop right there, Cruz. I know what's coming next. Damn it, you promised me and Braylee now that you got this promotion, you wouldn't have to travel for work as much. You just got back home after being away for nearly a month."

"I know, Aubrey. Jasper Knox refuses to have a meeting with anyone but me. If I don't go, this could hurt my position with the company. I could lose my job. I can't lose my job, sweetheart," I insist. Her body slumps down into the wooden chair next to the door and the tears well up in her dark brown eyes.

"I know this is your job, but lately, Cruz, you have spent more time at your job than you have with your wife and daughter."

"What the hell do you want me to do, Aubrey, you want me to quit and us lose everything? Hmm, you want us to say the hell with it no big deal if we lose our house, our vehicles, we don't need to save for Braylee's college fund?"

"Don't do that, Cruz. Don't you dare try to make me out to be the bad guy? It's not wrong of me wanting my husband home more than he's at work. All you do is work. You spend at least ten to twelve hours a day at work when you're not spending two to four weeks out of town."

"Okay, I know you're right, Aubrey. The reason I have to work so much is that I have a family and bills."

"Now you regret having me and Braylee, Cruz?"

"What? When have I ever said that I regret having you and our daughter, Aubrey? Of course I don't regret having the both of you. Do you remember how difficult it was for us to conceive a child? Did you also forget how devastated we both were when we thought we could never have a child? How the hell could you ask me that question?"

"Because you're never home, Cruz. I've lost count how many family gatherings, birthday parties, cook outs we've had to cancel because you had to work. So once again, you won't be here for my birthday. Go do what you feel you have to do. I will not beg you to stay," she snaps before storming out the door.

"Son of a bitch. Maybe I should go to give us both some time to cool off," I growl as I lift my phone from the desk.


"Well, that went just as bad as I thought it would, Ken."

"You told Aubrey?"

"Yes, I told Aubrey, she is beyond pissed."

"I'm so sorry, Cruz."

"It's not your fault, Ken. Look, as pissed as Aubrey is, and I'm not exactly thrilled either, maybe you should have Lauren book me a hotel room. Maybe it's best I give Aubrey and myself some cooling off time."

"Alright. I will go tell Lauren now. Cruz, again, I'm so sorry about this."

"Me too. I hope Aubrey forgives me for leaving so soon after I just got back home. I still have to tell my daughter."

"Cruz, if there were any another way, if I could go in your place, you know I would. Jasper is adamant."

"I know. Call him back and tell him I will see him Friday afternoon."

"Okay, I'll call him as soon as I tell Lauren to book you a room."

"Thanks, Ken."

After staring out the window for what seems like an eternity, I force myself up from my self wallowing for at least thirty minutes. The feel of complete dread washes over me as I make my way out of my office and back towards the kitchen. My feet slowly enter the kitchen and I don't see either Aubrey or Braylee.

"Hey, Aubrey, Braylee?" There is no reply. I quickly make my way upstairs and hear soft sobs coming from our bedroom.

"Don't come near me, Cruz," she growls as I step next to the bed.

"Aubrey, come on. Let's not argue when I have to-"

"Don't you dare finish speaking those words, Cruz. You don't have to leave again, you are choosing to leave."

"Okay, I will not argue with you. If I don't go, I could lose my job, Aubrey. So, I'm just going to pack my bags and go stay in my office. I will call you when I get to New York Thursday evening." I say.

"Don't bother. You didn't bother keeping your promise, so don't bother calling me, Cruz," she stomps her way into the bathroom and slams the door behind her.

"Shit." I snap as I grab my over night bags from the walk-in closet. Once I'm packed, I hurry myself out of the bedroom.

"Daddy, why do you have your suitcase?" Braylee stops me.

"Oh wow! Braylee, baby girl, daddy is so sorry, but something unexpected came up at work and I need to go take care of it. It will be just for a few days."

"No, daddy. Grammy and Pappy will be here soon."

"Yes, but daddy called them a little while ago and told them how sorry I am I can't be here. But you and mommy will have a pleasant visit with them," I reply and see her tears welling up in her small brown eyes.

"You lied to me and to mommy, daddy. I don't trust you anymore. Go away, I don't like you very much right now," she slams her bedroom door in my face.

"Oh my god. We will lose everything if I don't go."


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