Chapter 17. Aubrey Forces Cruz To Leave

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"Mommy, daddy, why are you yelling?"

"Oh god, Braylee," I say.  Aubrey grabs my arm pulling me back.

"Don't you dare go near our daughter, Cruz. After what you did, you don't get to play the grieving father who betrayed his family."

"Aubrey, I understand you're pissed at me and you have every right, but I'm still Braylee's father and I have every right to comfort her," I snap and soon realize what a bad idea it was to snap at her.

"You think you still have the right to comfort the people you have been lying to? I'm warning you, if you don't go pack your stuff and leave this house, I will do everything I possibly can to make sure you get as little visitation with Braylee as possible."

"Aubrey, are you threatening to keep me from being able to spend time with our daughter?"

"Do you not get it, Cruz? You blew it. The choices you made are about to lead us to a place I never thought we would be."

"And where might that be, Aubrey?" I ask. She lifts her hands and slowly slides her wedding rings off her finger crushing my heart. The tears fall down my face as I see her placing them on the picnic table.

"Aubrey, please," she pulls away from my grasp and looks at me with such contempt. Her devastating glare says it all. This is the very moment I have been fearing for over two months.

"If you haven't figured this out by now, Cruz, our marriage is over. You broke our security, our trust, and our faith in you. I will never be able to trust you again. I'm going to say this one more time, go pack your bags and get the hell out, now."

" I won't argue with you. And I also won't give up on us. I don't care what it takes, I will earn your trust back."

"It's too late, Cruz. Not only did you betray our marriage, me, and our daughter, you're going to have the one thing you knew I wanted with you, another child."

"I never meant to hurt you like this, Aubrey."

"But you did, Cruz. I'm not going to do this in front of our daughter," she looks over at Braylee.

"I'll go, but I will not give up on us. You need to know I will never give up on the love we have for each other, Aubrey."

"You killed my love for you. Get out, please, Cruz. No more meaningless words, just go away."

"Daddy, why do you have to leave?" I look at Aubrey for permission to pick Braylee up. She looks away.

"Daddy is so sorry, Braylee, but I really messed everything up and I now have to go away. I can't be here with you right now."

"For how long, daddy?"

"I don't know, baby girl."

"Mommy, tell daddy he can't leave us again."

"Braylee, daddy needs to go. I'm sorry, but your daddy can no longer stay here with us."

"Aubrey, I'm begging you."

"No, Cruz. Now I have to be the one to explain to our daughter why daddy can't stay here anymore. I will never forgive you for doing this to our family," she snaps as she picks Braylee up and goes into the house.

"This is my worst fear come true. I just ruined my marriage and broke their hearts."

As I sit here staring up at the ceiling, I think back to nearly a month ago when my entire world blew up because of my stupidity. I can't help but wonder if I told Aubrey the truth from the beginning, would she have been able to forgive me, or am I just kidding myself thinking she will ever forgive me? No matter what, I should have been honest with her the second I got back home.

"This was the deal breaker. I cheated when I swore I would never cheat on her. There is no way she will forgive me," I groan as I force myself out of bed and hear a knock at the door.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door? Wait, maybe it's Aubrey," I smile as I run towards the door. My smile soon turns to anger when I see the one person I will regret meeting for the rest of my life.

"Hello, Cruz."

"I can't believe you have the nerve to show yourself at my door. You are the last person I want to see."

"Isn't this ironic? You, here, staying at a hotel. Deja vu, huh?"

"Kendall, I'm seriously not in the mood for you right now. You need to leave," I insist as I make my way over to the sofa to grab my pants.

"Cruz, like it or not, I am going to be in your life for a long time. You remember what today is?"

"Yes, Kendall, I remember what today is."

"I rescheduled my appointed at Ruby hospital. Are you coming with me or not?"

"I said I would go with you, and I will. Let's just go."

"You're not even a little excited today we might possibly find out if we're having a son or daughter?"

"Kendall, my wife packed up herself and our daughter and went to Texas to visit her cousins. She is insisting on a divorce and limiting my visitations with our daughter. So you tell me how happy do you think I should be right now?"

"Let's just go and try our best not to say another word to each other," she growls as she walks out the door.

We don't say a word the entire drive there. All I can think about is how the hell am I going to convince Aubrey to give me another chance.

If I'm being completely honest, part of me is curious to know if the baby is a boy.

"Okay, were here. Let's go in there, listen to what the doctor and technician have to say, and you can drop me off at my house and leave, Cruz."

"Fine by me. Go check in, I'll have a seat over there." I point towards the large fish tank.

"Mr. And Mrs. Garcia?" I snap my head back at the nurse.

"Ms. Wiley is not my wife. Are you ready for us?" I snap.

"My apologies. Yes, please follow me.

"Well, that was harsh, don't you think, Cruz?"

"Didn't we agree not to speak a word to each other, Kendall? You are not my wife and you never will be."

"Kendall, I need to put this on your belly, it might be a little cold."

"Okay, no problem."

"Oh look, there is the heartbeat. I know you're hoping to see if we can tell if the baby is a boy or a girl. Let's see if you're far enough along. Oh," the nurse says.

"Oh what?" I question her.

"It's pretty clear what the sex of the baby is."

"You can see if the baby is a boy or girl?" Kendall asks.

"Is the baby a boy?"

"Yes, Mr. Garcia, the baby is a boy."

"My instinct was right. I somehow knew the baby is a boy." I say while wishing the mother could be Aubrey.

"Mateo," Kendall whispers.

"Mateo is my middle name, Kendall."

"I know. It's also our son's name."

"Kendall, I still plan on having a DNA test done."

"Go ahead, Cruz. Pick the doctor of your choice. I think deep down inside you know you are Mateo's father. The DNA test will only confirm I'm not lying to you."


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