Chapter 15. Cruz And Kendall Heated Chat

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"I, um," I stumble over my words after swallowing the lump growing in my throat.

"You don't remember we met a few days ago at the little diner?" Kendall smirks.

"O-oh, yes, of course," I stutter.

"Daddy, I'm full. Can I please go watch Dora now?" I sigh with relief as Braylee speaks.

"Yes, you can go watch Dora, Braylee."

"Cruz, I'll take her up to her room. You and Ciara should get to know each other," Aubrey smiles and my eye widen as I hear her call Kendall Ciara.

"What the hell, Kendall, why is my wife calling you Ciara and what the hell are you doing coming to my house?"

"Wow! Your wife is so clueless. We already got to become familiar with each other, haven't we Cruz?" she smiles as she lowers herself down on the chair.

"What the hell are you thinking, Kendall?"

"It's only fitting that I, the mother of your child, come and meet our son's or daughter's family, don't you think? I mean you are the father and Braylee is the big sister and Aubrey, well, I have yet to see her having a place in our child's life," she coldly replies.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Kendall?"

"Exactly how it sounds, Cruz. I'm the mother, Braylee is the sister, and I'm seeing no role that Aubrey will play."

"My god, are you threatening my wife?" I snap.

"I guess that depends, Cruz."

"On what?" I question her. She lifts herself from the chair, locking her eyes on mine.

"On you, Cruz. I came not only to inform you I'm pregnant, I came here hoping- "

"You stop right there. We both agreed after what happened between us will never happen again. I've completely honest with you from the beginning. You knew all along about my wife and daughter. I have no plans of leaving them, Kendall. I have a child and wife to think about, Kendall."

"Correction, you have two children to think about, Cruz. Does our child not deserve your love?"

"I'm not saying I won't love our child, Kendall. What I am trying to make perfectly clear to you is I will not leave my wife and daughter to come play house with you. You're insane to come here thinking we would what, fall into each other's arms, me confess my undying love for you?" I growl and quickly see the disturbing look in her eyes.

"I'm not insane, Cruz. I am the type of person who isn't afraid to go after what I want," she says through gritted teeth.

"Kendall, you need to listen to me. The reality is I am a happily married man with a wife and daughter that I love more than anyone. You knew I would never leave them. If this baby is mine, then I will absolutely help you take care of it. As far as you and me being together, no, that will never happen."

"Well, Cruz, how happily married were you during our one night tryst? You seemed happy when your hands were all over my body. I recall you also seemed happy when I was getting you off," she grins.

"Stop, stop this right now, Kendall. No matter how many times you try to remind me of the biggest mistake of my life, we will never be together."

"It's just a matter of time before your wife and daughter find out you've been putting your hand in the forbidden cookie jar, and other parts of your body in forbidden naughty places, Cruz. Then what?"

"You let me worry about that. I need you to leave, Kendall. Don't you dare come back to my house."

"You really disappoint me, Cruz.  Your nice secure world will eventually come crashing down. Tick Tock, daddy, your time is running out."

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