Chapter 16. Cruz's Painful Confession

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After putting Braylee to bed, I decide to go outside on the large wrap-around porch. As I lower myself onto the porch sofa, my eyes become fixated on the beautiful orange and red-colored sunset as it hovers just above our large oak tree. The beautiful colors illuminating the darkening sky cause a small smile on my face, allowing me to forget how my world is about to fall apart, even if it's for a few moments.

"How I wish I never went to New York. The time has come I can no longer lie to Aubrey. She doesn't deserve it, and she deserves to hear the painful truth from me. There is no way around this. Why didn't I listen to her? If I had, I wouldn't be in this nightmare. I've also been lying to my daughter. Braylee believed me when I said that lady is not of any importance. She will never coming back. Yep, I'm an asshole." 

"Hey, babe," I hear Aubrey and snap my head up to see her standing right outside the door wearing her WVU foot ball jersey. Her brown hair is swept up in a twist and her beautiful smile still takes my breath away. Her naturally beautiful tanned skin glistens as she steps towards me and the light from the setting sun causes me to gasp as it shines on her.

"My god, Aubrey, you are so beautiful," I say as she slides herself next to me.

"Well, this is nice," she whispers.

"I love you so much, Aubrey."

"I love you, Cruz."

"How did you get out of having to work late tonight?" I question her.

"Oh, well, I called Brenda and begged her to cover my shift."

"Remind me to thank Brenda when I see her again," I smile.

"Cruz, You remember that young teen girl I mentioned earlier?"

"Yeah, I remember. Is she and her baby alright?"

"She had a boy. The good thing is, he appears to be healthy, but the teen mom, not so much."

"Oh, that's horrible, Aubrey. What happened?"

"As she was pushing, I noticed something is off with her. She was so pale, and she had no strength to keep pushing. Before I could get any words out, she collapsed back and had a seizure. Obviously we had to perform an emergency C-section. Tonya slept into a comma."

"Aubrey, aww sweetheart, that's horrible. I hope Tonya pulls through," I try to comfort her as I wrap my arms around her.

"Cruz, I don't mean to sound insensitive by suggesting this, but Tonya doesn't have any family that we know of and she is so young. Doctor Hillman isn't sure if she will wake up," she cries.

"Aubrey, what are you trying to say?"

"Maybe we should think about what our options are?"

"what options are you talking about?"

"I'm hoping you will agree to us looking into possibly adopting that sweet baby boy, Cruz. He doesn't have anyone now."

"What? Tonya just gave birth to that baby. We can't just go in there and take her son," I say. She stands up in front of me and looks down at me with tears falling down her already tear-stained face.

"Cruz, at least three doctors agree that Tonya may never wake up. I don't take any pleasure knowing she may never wake up  and I do hope she wakes up, but that baby needs parents who will love him and let him know we care enough and want to provide him a loving home."

"Aubrey, stop. I'm so sorry, but we can't do this."

"Why not, Cruz? Did you change your mind about us adopting a baby? He's the perfect baby for us."

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