New Members

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(play music)

Minato's mother was actually surprised that he followed her instructions. She was very proud of her son and decided not to kick him out. >.<

The next morning was very different for Minato

When he woke up Kioshi was waiting outside for him and so they ended up deciding to walk together. Well Kioshi decided.


Minato walked to his first class, which was math. Then he went to english, science, social studies, gym (the worst one), and  whatever other classes there are. 

'Finally time to go home' Minato thought as he breathed out. He walked out of school and then he heard his name being yelled. "MINATO-SAAAAAAAANNN!!!" Katsumi yelled as the omega ran towards Minato. "We have a club meeting after school everyday remember?" Katsumi breathed out while he panted and held his knees. Minato sighed and walked back into school, Katsumi followed.


"Minato-san, we need more members, we can't just go through this whole year with only 2 members, also adding, we need a club president." Katsumi says. "Then go find some members." Minato says while waving his hand off. "But I don't know anyone." Katsumi says sadly. "Will you come with me I'm sure someone as cheery as you knows many people!" Katsumi says in a happy voice. Minato's eye twitches 'cheery? Have you been paying attention Katsumi-san?' "I don't know anyone." Minato puts it simply. "Well what about that Beta you were walking home with yesterday, you seem like you know him." Katsumi says while smiling. Minato slowly  turns his head towards Katsumi "Are you stalking me or something Katsumi?" Minato says. "Oh no, its just that the Beta yelled so loud everyone from miles and miles could hear your name being screamed out. I also walk the same way to get home" Katsumi says with a smile and closed eyes. Minato sighs and lets his head fall onto the table. He groans when Katsumi pulls him by his arm and out the door.


"So you see, we would really be in need of a new member, I hope you can play an instrument." Katsumi says. "Well I would love to, and I am intrigued by this club, but I already have too much in my hands. Im also applying for the student council" Kioshi says while rubbing the back of his head. "that's great, the only option left is to let the club die, our work here is done. I'm going home." Minato says while walking away. Katsumi pulls him back "Kioshi-san I will handle the club timings, please just join this club." Katsumi says with puppy eyes. Kioshi looks straight into those adorable eyes and gives in. "Fine Fine, I am a volunteer after all." Kioshi says all proudly. 


"So what exactly do we do in this club? Slack around and try to do stuff? When are we going to strat playing some music?" Kioshi says while biting into an apple. "Well, do any of you play an instrument?" Katsumi asks. "I play keyboard." Kioshi says. "I play the guitar, so, Minato-san do you play anything?" Katsumi asks. Minato mumbles something under his breath. "We're sorry, what did you just say Minato." Kioshi and Katsumi say in the most sweetest voices on earth, teasing Minato. "I play bass guitar" Minato says in a low voice. "OHHH YOU PLAY GUITAR JUST LIKE ME!! TWINNSSS!!! HOW FANTASTIC!" Katsumi says while hugging Minato very tightly. "Minato getting hugged by an omega, what a rare sight." Kioshi says. Katsumi opens his eyes and let's go of Minato. "Forgive me Minato-San I got overly excited." Katsumi says while looking down. "it's fine." Minato said while looking away. They talked about lots of stuff, and gave Minato a hard time since they kept annoying him and wouldn't give him peace and quiet.


See you in the next episode!!

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See you in the next episode!!

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