Inspired by the anime hyouka
Kim Taehyung an omega, who has been playing guitar since 3 years old, has a cheery attitude, having a very good interest in light rock music, and is from a rich and well-known family..
Jungkook an alpha, who is unsocial...
It is almost 5 minutes past3 and school has ended. Clubs can start coming together now.
Katsumi runs across the hallways, and into their club room where everyone was waiting. "GUYS! GUYS GUYS GUYS." Katsumi says while breathing heavily from the running. He holds up a paper in his hands as his head hangs low, and one of his arms is on his knees. "YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!!" He yells. Everyone turns their heads towards him.
"So your saying they want us to perform for the WHOLE SCHOOL?!?!" Ichika yells. "the wh-whole school?" Minato says. Katsumi nods while smiling widely. "Isn't it amazing??!" Katsumi says. "Id say it is." Kioshi says. "COme one guys we have to get started!" Katsumi says while walking out the door. The others follow
They all walk out of the school doors and follow Katsumi to his mansion. When they get there everyone's mouths are open wide. Well except for Minato. "ITTS HUGE!" Ichika yells while following katsumi. "Yeah its bigger than how it looks like from the outside." Kishi says. "I guess so." Katsumi says. Everyone looks at Katsumi witth disbelief. "You think so?" Ichika asks. "YOU HAVE A HUGE MANSION, THAT TAKES UP MILES OF LAND, AND YOU DON'T THINK ITS HUGE?!?!?!" Ichika yells at Katsumi. Katsumi looks at Ichika worriedly and nods quickly. "Someone needs to teach this omega a lesson." Ichika says as she raises her hand. "NOO PLEASE ICHIKA-SAN." Katsumi says while holding her legs. "Let's just go inside." Minato says. "Im tired from all this standing." he adds. "Your so unbelievable." Kioshi says. They all head inside as Katsumi offers them beverages. "Your house is, more different from the inside Katsumi." Kioshi says while looking around. There was a string across the backyard which hung the clothes for drying, and many baskets around the floor. The cushions were misplaced and some of them were even on the floor. There were baby toys all around the floor, and a giant play pen smack in the middle of the living room, for Katsumis baby brother. Katsumi looks around and her eyes widen "I am so so sorry for the mess, let's head somewhere else to work" Katsumi says while rushing everyone out of the living room.
"this is much better" katsumi says as she leads them to her second living room in the 3rd part of the mansion. "Everyone sit down and make yourself comfortable" he says to them. Everyone sets their backpacks next to them and take a seat on the cusions on the floor around the table.
Looks like this
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"So everyone let's get started!" Katsumi says while everyone but Minato nods.
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