23. Welcome

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It is my birthday week and I came to India to spend time with my family. Jimin is supposed to come the day before my birthday and we will leave together the day after my birthday. My parents obviously know who Park Jimin is, thanks to my obsession with him but what they don't know is, this same Park Jimin is my boyfriend who is coming in a few days.

My days in India were fun. I kept work mostly out of my schedule except for an interview I promised my school friend of. I went around places I liked, met some of my friends and just explored. Even though I did my schooling in India and spent most of my life here, still I didn't really have any close friends here. I did have friends but I stayed aways from the ones I thought were fake. My family in India, my parents, my sister, my sister's fiance who was like my brother, they meant a lot to me.

I might actually have moved back to India after some years and gotten into business if I was not with someone. That was my plan initially but who would've thought this much would have happened and I know that the chances of me moving back to India now are least. It's not practically possible for him to stay out of Seoul and for me my family said to both of us sisters that we can take up whatever job we want and just because they own such a huge business doesn't mean we will have to get into it. For us sisters, my sister was always better at business stuff so she got into business willingly and she's doing exceedingly well and there is no need for me to deal with anything. Whereas, I was more of the chill person, who loves to go around exploring things but my sister always wanted me to be in touch with the business, just in case. She cared for me and our family a lot so she made me incharge of some duties which could be done online.

The best part about my family is that they never held me back, they let me go my way and do whatever I like. They never took decisions for me, they just told me what's right and wrong in their point of view and left for me to decide and later supported my decision.

I went to the airport to pick Jimin up all covered up because Indian media gives a lot of privacy to people and if anything happens by chance, it will be a mess.

"Welcome to India baby"

"I missed you"

"me too"

"we look like we are going to rob banks"

"safety first. Ready to meet them?"

"I was thinking the whole flight"

"Aww, look who's nervous"

"Do they know me?"

"They know Park Jimin but they don't know Park Jimin is my boyfriend. No one knows actually"

"I should tell everyone wait"

"that isn't funny".

He was looking outside through the tinted windows discovering new things, new people, new culture.

"You'll take me to the famous places right?"

"I wish"


"You are way famous to be taken there. I'm not taking risks. Thank You"

"We won't step out of the car"

"That sounds good"

"I can't wait."

"To meet them?"

"N-o, I mean y-yea"

"Park Jimin"


"We reached"

I stopped the car and unbuckled the seatbelt and shared a passionate kiss with him and walked together towards the main door.

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