Milk or orange juice?
It seems like such an easy decision but I am indecisive about everything
Should I stay in a place where no one wants me?
What would life be without meaningless conversations at lunch about letter grades that have
no value outside of the walls of the classroom?
Would I dare to truly let go of it all and move to Chicago regardless of my final score from the
academic gods who lord over my future?
But I cannot decide still as I snap back to reality
Sweet and colourful, god its just like them
Or plain and tasteless, this is how I stay in the shadows
You are so bright and beautiful like a warm and welcoming beacon of light
But I am dark and cold, I am lost but I can't find the source of the light.
You are the glass half full
I am the glass thats half empty.
Children and adults both find delight in juice
How could they not? It's clean and safe for children
It grows with the child consumer, like a childhood friend
Milk is leaves the glass with cloudy traces, you never forget that it was there
Much like the golden student who worked so hard to be the best and leave a mark
Maybe I'm like the juice, if you pour it out there's no visible residue, you wouldn't have known
about me, because there was nothing to know.
I could disappear from the halls and not be missed, just the way I intended it to be.