Chapter 3

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Third Person's POV

The two blonde siblings now sat peacefully on a bench beside the vending machine just near the gym. Kina sat on her brother's lap, facing him, with Tsukishima's black Karasuno jacket wrap around her shoulders.

She remained quiet and gloomy as she sipped her chocolate drink. Her eyes were still glazed and a little puffy from crying. She then pulled her mouth away from the straw if her drink and looked up to his brother who was staring at her.

"What?" He monotonously asked.

Kina sniffed and looked down at her drink.

"I want to go home..." She mumbled.

Tsukki tiredly sighed, feeling somewhat annoyed and at the same time worried. He watched his little sister clutched on to her drink tightly while staring at nothing.

"We can't go home yet. I still have practice..." he replied.

"Then you should have left me at home!!" She whined her lips quivering.

Tsukki frowned. He had expected this to happen but he was still unprepared. It was normally his big brother, Akiteru, who will handle her whenever she starts whinning and crying when they are outside. His little was never a spoiled child but, moments like this can never be prevented especially when she is overwhelmed.

'I should have brought Yamaguchi with me. He knows better than me at this...' He frustratedly thought.

"I want to go home! I don't want it here!! Kei-nii-chan!! Bring me home now!!" She whined again and this somehow irked Tsukki, making him hit his sister on the head again.

The little girl winced and held her head as her eyes starts to tear up again.

"I said we can't leave right now. So stop whining" He stated with pure annoyance.

"You should have left me at home with Aki-nii-chan!! He can take care of me!!!" She whined and started crying once again.

"I don't want to be outside!! I want to go home!! It's scary!! Bring me back!!"

She argued once again, her grip on the chocolate milk box getting more tighter making some of the contents spill.

Tsukki's eyes widened when he noticed this. He gently tugged the drink out of her hand and placed it beside him. He made an exasperated sigh as he internally regretted what he did. He pulled out a small packet of tissues from his pocket and wiped her hands clean. He then looked at her crying face again and sighed.

"Alright. I'm sorry. Now calm down. Shh..." he softly hushed as he pulled his sister closer to him and rubbing her back gently.

She didn't stop crying and continued to complain and whined that she wants to go home. Tsukki's effort to calm her down seems to be futile.

He stood up from the bench and swayed a little as he hushed her and rub her back once again to calm and comfort her. His shirt was starting to get soaked by her tears. Tsukki sighed once again, feeling pissed off. Not by her, but by himself.

"K-Kei-nii-c-chan! I want to go *sniff* home!! I'm s-scared!!"

"Listen Kina, Akiteru-nii is not home and so is mom, so there is no one who can take care of you at home. Alright?" He tried to explain but this just upsets the girl more.

He sighed in exasperation and just keep on rubbing the back of the girl, who was now crying on his shoulder.

"I want to go h-home... please" She pleaded as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

A pang of guilt hit Tsukki's chest making him frown deeper.

"Shh, It's alright. Just calm down. Nothing Bad will happen to you..." He soothed as he held her head and sighed.

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