Miss Enigmatic Prince

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*Casually appears and sat on the chair with a blank look*😐


So... How is everyone?😊 Ok fine, don't answer that.🙂

Now, Before you all decide to kill me for being quiet and not updating for almost a year, Hear me out.

As you all know, I'm a college student that is Majoring on one of the least hardest branch of Science-which is Chemistry- so I barely have anytime to update any of my Fanfics.

Also, I'm prioritizing to finish writing my first original book which I'm proud to say is halfway done🤧. It's due on September so I've been dedicating my extra brain juice on it.

Anyway, I'm here to officially announce that I'll start updating again by October, which is after the deadline of my original book.

So, hold on. Alright? I did promise I'll be back. And I never break my promises. 😊😊

That's all. Take care and stay safe everyone.


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