Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV

Squeaking shoes and gentle shouts, it resonated around the gym but it doesn't seem to disturb the sleeping little girl. Though she is squirming a little due to some unknown reason and her body aching a bit from sleeping on the floor. It wasn't cold though since Tsukishima and Yamaguchi used their black jackets as her bedding and Sugawara lend them his own jacket to be used as her blanket.

The one to notice her squirm in her sleep was Kiyoko and Yachi who is standing beside her. The two managers crouched down beside her and watched.

"Should we wake her?" Yachi asked and Kiyoko shook her head.

"No, I think she's just uncomfortable ..."

Kiyoko stated as she gently remove her jacket. She gently lifted the little girl and spread her jacket on the piled jackets of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. The makeshift bedding now looks more softer and fluffy making Kiyoko hum in satisfaction.

She then gently place the little girl back and tuck her in. She finally stopped squirming and curled.

"She's... She's really cute!" Yachi silently gushed.

"You're absolutely right..."

"Alright! Five minute break boys!!" Coach Ukai softly yelled after he whistled, being aware that there's a little girl sleeping the gym.

The two managers shot up from their position and went to do their jobs of distributing the water bottles and towels, leaving the little girl in peace.

"Did she wake up?" Tsukishima asked the blonde Manager as he noticed them walk away from his sister. Yachi just shook her head in response.

"Nope. We just noticed her squirming in her sleep. " Yachi answered as she handed him his water bottle.

"Really?" Yamaguchi asked with a worried look.

"Don't worry, Shimizu senpai got it covered and she's sleeping peacefully again..."

She said in assurance giving the two a look of relief. But it was suddenly cut short when they heard the little girl scream and cry. The two felt their heart drop at her scared cries.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi along with the team whipped their head towards the little girl, who was crying with a nervous and confused Kageyama near her, who just happens to be picking up the stray volleyball.

"O-Oniic-chan!!" She stuttered between cries of fat tears while tightly clutching the jacket on her lap.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi hurriedly went to her. Tsukishima hooked his long hands under the little girls armpits ang gently lifted her off the ground and hugged her. The little girl opened her soft black eyes and looked at the person who suddenly carried her. When she saw Tsuki's blank face, she sobbed harder and clutched on to his sweaty shirt.

"Kei-nii *sob* Kei-nii-chan..." She sobbed in his shoulder making Tsukishima sigh and rub her back in a soothing manner, trying to calm her down.

"I'm here, Now calm down..."he muttered as he rub her back.

"what's wrong?"Sugawara asked with concern as he approached the three.

"She's just scared..."

Tsukishima plainly explained as he continues to rubbed her back comfortingly. Her sobs finally starting to calm down, leaving her hiccuping every 3 second or so.

"But why would she be scared?" Daichi asked the blonde boy and Yamaguchi answered for him.

"It's either she woke up from a nightmare or she was surprised to be in unknown place..." He explained.

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