Pluck An Angel

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//Summary// When Angel is late for curfew, Alastor is elected to wait up for him. Alastor expects weak excuses and giving a good scolding, but none of that happens.

Side-Note: This short is requested by hostofhorus999, hope they enjoy it.


The clock ticks loudly as the members of the hotel sat around the TV in the lounge. The TV was playing some show but no one was paying it any mind.

Charlie is playing with her hair as Vaggie keeps her arms tightly crossed, a deep scowl on her face. Husk just snores away, tail swishing at a few empty bottles of liquor, and Niffty slumbers against him. Alastor is relaxing in an arm chair, boredly watching the box, head resting in his hand.

"This has gone on long enough, why are we watching this filth?" asked Alastor.

"Bonding time, you know, before bedtime." said Charlie nervously.

"Bonding time, Charlie, no excuses, you're just having us wait for Angel to get back, for fuck's sake, it's an hour pass curfew, he's late!" yelled Vaggie, slamming her fist on the couch.

Alastor chuckles at that, seeing Vaggie annoyed or angry is always entertaining, especially when it's directed at Angel Dust.

He has no doubt that the drug addicted whore was out with some demon doing the dirty dance. Why Charlie bothers with the spider Alastor will never know.

He's vile, dirty, and repulsive, why was she wasting her time on him?

"Can we just go the fuck to sleep already?" asked Husk.

"Well, I guess, but one of us has to wait up for Angel." said Charlie.

Husk and Vaggie groan in unison while Niffty just hums to herself.

"Charlie, we can deal with him in the morning, and if he gives another bullshit excuse like always, we should just kick him out." said Vaggie.

"There may be a reason, sometimes I feel like he's hiding something from us, like he's keeping things bottled up." said Charlie.

Alastor just chuckles to shake his head, the princess is truly a bleeding heart. Angel can do whatever he wants and the blonde demon will never turn him away.

"The hotel will be a lot better off without him, Charlie, you must see, he's only using you for the free room after all." laughed Alastor.

"No, Angel isn't using us, I know something is going on, he just won't tell me." said Charlie.

She shakes her head before looking at the deer demon.

"You know what, Alastor, since you're so concern about him, how about you wait up for him, you can handle him when he comes in." said Charlie, arms crossed.

Alastor's smile tightens, while he may not need sleep, he would rather do anything but wait up for the porn star.

But then, if he can handle it, perhaps he can finally get rid of the spider.

"Very well, I will handle it, Angel will not be getting out of anything on my watch." said Alastor.

The princess nods and looks to her girlfriend, who just stares at the radio demon in suspicion. Smart, but useless as there is nothing Vaggie can do to stop him.

The group slowly get up, exiting the room for their beds. Alastor was alone and let out a sigh, leaning back in the chair more.

He hates having to deal with Angel Dust, but perhaps after tonight, he'll never have to deal with him again.

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