A Real Scandal

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//Summary// Vaggie passes by the lounge area to hear Alastor and Angel making a lot of noise. What are they up to?


A yawn escapes Vaggie as she shuts the door to the office, stretching her arms above her head. It was only after four but she was ready for bed.

Charlie had her help out with a budget plan for the food, cleaning supplies and laundry bills so that they weren't maxing out their money.

She walks down the hall, deciding to treat herself to a few cookies she has stashed in her room and a movie. She still has plenty of time before dinner, and it's not like the cookies will stop her from eating it.

She soon passes by the lounge, a room that was locked up tight and off limits to everyone, even Charlie. Mainly because she couldn't find the key to the room, but it was quickly taken care of by Angel Dust.

Who knew he could pick locks?

The lounge was cleaned up and now acted as a private area for the them, even Angel Dust who acted more like an employee than a patron at the hotel. A roaring fireplace, comfy chairs, a gramophone, and even a grand piano, it was the perfect area for them all to relax in after a hard day of work.

Vaggie is thinking of what music will be played when she hears a loud thud. The moth demon faces the room, no one should be in there.

She narrows her eyes to summon her spear, walking to the door. Close, she presses her ear to the door to hear voices.

It sounded like Angel and Alastor, what were they up to in there. She leans more into the door to listen.

"Ah, come on Al, just stick it in already, this ain't rocket science." said Angel.

"Patience darling, but this isn't something to rush, especially since... well, I've never done this before." said Alastor in an embarrassed voice.

"Hey, no pressure from me, but still, all you need to do is stick it in the hole." said Angel.

Vaggie felt her face flush, both in shock, horror, but mainly anger. Were those two assholes having sex in the lounge?!

'This is where we come to relax.' thought Vaggie in disgust.

"Uh Angel, I don't think this is right... it won't fit." said Alastor.

"Seriously, just trying shoving it in." said Angel.

"Uh, but won't shoving it do more damage?" asked Alastor.

"At this point I don't care, we've been at this for hours and I want this to be over already, just shove it in already." said Angel.

Vaggie feels her anger reach it's mark and she kicks the door open, spear at the ready.


As she does, the two demons look at her in shock and she goes silent.

Alastor and Angel are on the floor, but both are fully dressed... with wooden boards in between them. Angel blinks at her, a screw driver in hand while Alastor is holding a screw to the wood.

"We're having sex, Smiles, why didn't you tell me, I would have put the screwdriver down." said Angel.

"Heh, darling we're not, now my dear, why would you assume we're doing that in here?" asked Alastor, looking at the moth demon.

"I, I uh." stumbled Vaggie.

As she stumbles over her words, Charlie comes rushing in.

"Vaggie, I heard you yelling, is everything al... hey, I asked you guys to do this three hours ago." said Charlie.

"We are, but I've never had to put my furniture together before and the pieces refuse to go together, for example, this screw won't go into the hole." said Alastor, eyes glowing red as he stares at the tiny hole.

"He's not kidding, nothing is going where it should." said Angel.

"Why not read the directions then?" asked Charlie.

Angel glares at her to pick them up, flicking his hand to make them open to reveal... symbols?

"We tried, but neither of us knows Chinese." grumbled Angel.

The princess hums as she looks at the directions, turning her head before opening her mouth.

"Ya, I can't read this ether." she sighs.

She stands back up to look to her girlfriend, who was hiding her face in her hands, visable cheeks bright red.

"Is she okay?" asked Charlie.

"Just embarrassed, she thought Al and I were having sex in here... though thinking back on what we were saying, out of context that does sound like it." said Angel.

"Except I don't care for sex." said Alastor with a tight smile.

"I know, sugar, just saying out of context, you know I would never force you." said Angel.

The radio demon smiles brightly again when Vaggie takes her hands away.

"Isn't Husk multilingualism?" asked Vaggie.

"Why yes he is." said Alastor.

"So, would one of those languages be Chinese?" she asked.

They're silent for a bit before the radio demon faces the princess.

"Could you send Husker my way, he may be able to finally help us put together this... what is this again?" asked Alastor.

"Bookcase... or maybe a table, dresser, I honestly don't remember, there isn't really a picture of it on the directions." said Angel, looking at the paper.

Charlie giggles and passes by Vaggie, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she passes.

As they wait, Vaggie sighs, looking at the couple.

"Sorry about yelling, Angel was right, it did sound wrong out of context." said Vaggie.

"Oh it's fine, my dear, plus it was entertaining to watch, ha, ha, ha, don't you agree my darling?" asked Alastor.

"A bit, maybe, sorry, I'm still trying to figure out what the hell we've been trying to build for the last three hours." said Angel.

"Where's the box it came in?" asked Vaggie, looking around the room.

"In the corner, but don't bother, it only has the store logo on it." said Angel.

The moth demon moves to it and sees they were correct.

"Wait, there's an IKEA here?" she asked in shock.

"Yep, over towards the shopping mall, and considering the time wasted and shit we've been dealing with, I'm not surprised IKEA has a store front down here." said Angel with a glare.

NOTE: Get it, because IKEA can be a literal hell! So Vaggie is embarrassed, Alastor and Angel are frustrated to heck, Charlie is still too pure for this world, and Husk... well, he's probably still drunk. Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned~

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