The Betrayal

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//Summary// Charlie walks in on an argument between Alastor and Angel. What could Alastor have done to Angel?


It was early morning as Charlie makes her way to the kitchen. A yawn escapes, the only thing on her mind being coffee.

She was up late last night finishing up some paperwork since Alastor was no where to be found. She has no idea where he went, but then again, he always seems to vanish Friday nights.

Charlie would have thought he'd be with Angel as they've been dating for a couple months, but Angel had come home late last night.

She gets to the kitchen when she hears voices. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but one of the voices sounded angry.

Worried, Charlie opens the kitchen door a bit to peek in.

It was Angel and Alastor, it looked like they were fighting. Angel looked upset and Alastor had a tight smile and nervous eyes.

Seems like he was trying to calm the Spider demon down over something.

"I can't believe you did that, how could you?!" demanded Angel.

"My Dear, I meant nothing by it, it was an accident." tried Alastor.

"An accident is if you trip and break a table, hell, getting drunk and kissing some rando is an accident, but what you did, that was NO ACCIDENT!" yelled Angel.

Charlie put a hand to her mouth, what did Alastor do?!

Did he go on a date with someone else, did he hurt fat nuggets? What did he do to get this much anger from Angel.

Alastor holds the flailing arms to look his love in the eyes.

"Angel, I know that I hurt you, I know that nothing I can say will change the past, but... I'm hoping that you'll forgive me in the end, I'm hoping I can make this right." said Alastor.

Angel just stares at him before looking away.

"Maybe, but you still betrayed me." said Angel.

Charlie gripped the door tighter, how could Alastor betray Angel. Did he really cheat on the spider?!

"I just, I can't believe you watched the new episode of Hell's Next Top Model without me." whined Angel sadly.

Wait, what?

That was what this was all about, Alastor watching a show without him?!

'Hold on, Alastor watches Hell's Next Top Model?' thought Charlie.

"My dearest, I was trying to record it so we could watch it later, but I was having trouble with the remote." said Alastor, ears down.

"The episode would already be up, Al, Charlie has Hell Demand for a reason." said Angel with a pout, arms crossed.

The deer looks confused and tilts his head.

"Seriously, Hell Demand, it's that red screen with all the different options for movies and shows." said Angel.

"Ah, so that's how it works, I thought you record the show and then it appears there later." said Alastor, cheeks red in embarrassment.

This brings a smile to Angel's face as he laughs gently before leaning over, kissing Alastor's cheek.

"Okay, stop being so adorable, I'm over it." said Angel, arms wrapped around the deer.

"I'm glad, perhaps later tonight we can watch it, I promise I wasn't really paying attention." said Alastor, hands resting on the spider's waist.

"Sounds good, I gotta get going now, Charlie wants me to set up one of the rooms for musical therapy." said Angel.

The two share a kiss before Angel heads to the door.

Charlie pulls back and hides behind a plant close by. Angel walks by without noticing and she lets out a sigh.

She stands back up to turn to the door but finds herself face to face with Alastor.

"Have fun spying on matters that don't concern you?" asked Alastor, eyes narrowed.

"I was worried, I thought you did something horrible to Angel." defended Charlie.

This brings a sigh from the radio demon who's smile softens as he looks to the princess.

"I may be a powerful, chaos loving creature of the shadows, but I would never purposly harm my darling Angel." said Alastor.

"Alright." said Charlie.

The two are then silent before an amused smirk comes to her face.

"So you like Hell's Next Top Model?" asked Charlie.

Alastor flinches back, smile large and tight as he looks away cheeks a bright red.

"I like it for the entertainment of seeing the misery and despair of those who do not move on." said Alastor, looking anywhere but the young princess.

Charlie just continues to smile at him in amusement, causing Alastor to summon his staff and push her away from him.

"Alright, time to get to work, you have things to do and I need to do my rounds to make sure no one is sinning, ha ha, later my dear." said Alastor, laughing nervously.

He vanishes in a swirl of shadows, leaving Charlie to laugh into her hands.

Alastor, Hell's all power and most feared demon held the guilty pleasure of being a fan of Hell's Next Top Model.

Who would have thought.

Charlie moves to enter the kitchen to finally get her coffee. Wait till she tells Vaggie about this.

NOTE: Yes, Alastor's guilty pleasure is a reality model competition. No matter what he says, he enjoys it, especially with Angel. This one is short but should have still been enjoyable. Till the next one, Stay tuned~

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