A Silent Night

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//Summary// It's late at night as Alastor makes his rounds around the hotel. He reflects on a few things before finding Angel wide awake.


It was quiet, so quiet all you could hear was the ticking of the grandfather clock. It was nearing two in the morning, a little over an hour before the witching hour.

Alastor smiles at the time, walking silently down the halls of the hotel, hidden in the dark shadows.

Everyone had already retired to bed, all but Alastor. He rarely needed sleep, but even if he did he'd still be up, he is a night owl after all.

Alastor hums softly to check one of the many rooms of the building, making sure nothing was out of place.

The morning could be fun, he's never had a problem with it, but the night, the night was when the world became a different place. The shadows hiding secrets and his voodoo energy becoming brighter and even greater.

Ah, he just loves the night life.

Alastor walks into another room, this one being Charlie's office.

He smiles at the thought of her, for a princess of Hell and the daughter of Lucifer himself, she was quite the naive little girl.

She has no idea what the demons of Hell are truly capable of, no idea of the heavy weight all their sins are. Charlie was so kind and naive anyone could easily take advantage of her.

Which is why Alastor was her business partner, to keep that from happening and ruining his entertainment.

It's also why he got Husk and Niffty involved, both know Hell very well and could kill any demon who tried anything. While Niffty may act like Charlie, she was far from stupid, the small demon could easily kill with just one hand.

But he supposes Vaggie is a big part of why she's still doing well, the moth demon having trust for no one but herself and the princess. Wise but also a lonely choice.

And Angel Dust, oh what can Alastor say about him.

Their first meeting and he offered his services, now THAT sent Alastor into a tailspin. No one has ever had the gull to say things like that to him and lived, ether the spider is stupid or very brave.

After that first impression, he'd dismissed Angel as a dumb, vulgar slut and while he did put him on his toes, he didn't see himself getting any good entertainment from him.

But he was wrong, and sometimes Alastor is glad to be wrong.

The spider was actually smart, he helped Charlie with her finances as well as liked to read. While he does like the modern music, he still adores the old music, he even introduced Alastor to a marvelous singer named Ella Fitzgerald.

Plus the slutty attitude, well, that's nothing more than a mask he uses when trying to earn more money, he told the deer how he was trying to save up his money to buy out his contract.

Something Alastor himself knows is impossible, but he gave credit to the spider, he was slowly getting there.

And right under that perverted Overlord's nose too.

At first, he hated to admit that he and Angel had become decent friends, they got along and the spider hated dad jokes but laughed at a few of his. He even got the spider to inadvertently say a few, that was a laugh.

They became friends and not long after, Alastor started feeling a different emotion, a strange one he's never felt before. He'd push it away but it always came back when the spider was around.

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