Come Rest Your Weary Head

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//Summary// Alastor can feel his control slipping. He's ready to just start tearing all these demons apart piece by piece, screw the hotel! That is till Angel convinces him to take a break.


This was it, this was the day the hotel would come to an end.

Alastor was in his office, claws digging into the wood as he kept a smile in place. Before him was a patron of the hotel, whining about all the rules and therapies.

This demon wanted to be redeemed now, not realizing it would take time to get into Heaven. And this was not the first. So many demons wish to make deals with him to get redeemed faster, and even more don't want to give up their sins.

Besides listening to these whiny babies, he's had to stop a bunch of fights among the clients and don't even get him started on the ones who break the rules and use drugs.

It was always a hassle for Niffty to clean up the damage they do.

Alastor could feel his control slipping and his patience fading. He was ready to just tear apart all these demons, to let their blood rain down and use their organs to decorate the walls.

As the demon whines more and more, Alastor could feel his antlers growing bigger and his claws now piercing the wood.

Just as he was getting ready to jump his desk and attack, there was a knock at his door. Oh joyous, more whiny demons!

The door opens but it wasn't another demon coming to complain, it was Angel Dust. The sight of his love was enough to calm Alastor down, feeling his antlers return to normal size and his claws retract.

The demon sitting before him notices the ex-porn star and seems to puff up his chest.

"Hey there, beautiful, come to see me." purred the demon.

Alastor growls low but the spider just laughs.

"Please, like I'd waste my time with you, clear out bitch, I need the room." said Angel.

The demon looks insulted but before he can speak, a tentacle wraps around his body, squeezing him tightly.

"Now, now, I have other business to attend to, good bye." said Alastor.

With that, he happily throws the demon out the door and Angel slams it shut. Sitting back into his seat, Alastor sighs as Angel walks over, easily slipping into the deer's lap.

"Hey Smiles, stressed out?" asked Angel.

"You would be correct in that assumption, these demons are driving me up the wall, I think it'd be best to just kill them all and spill their blood in the streets, don't want to give Niffty more work than she already has." said Alastor.

The spider chuckles to run a hand through the red and black locks of the radio demon's hair. He kisses his cheek to look at him.

"How about taking a break, I can help you relax." said Angel.

Alastor hums, thinking it over. He has no idea what Angel will do, but he trusts the other not to do anything sexual as he knows sex and Alastor don't mix.

"Very well." said Alastor.

Angel smiles to get off his lap and head to the door, holding the other's hand.

Normally the deer was against hand holding in public, but he let it go, just wanting to see what Angel's idea of stress relief for him was.

They exit the office and Alastor quickly flips the sign on the door, telling anyone who came to it that he was out. The couple walk to the lobby and to the stairs, but not before catching the attention of some of the patrons.

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