Chapter 3

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My crush, Spencer Carter, walked toward my desk as I got ready to leave. His bright blue eyes glimmered and his blonde hair shined.

"Hey Grace. Would you like to hang out sometime?" he asked.

"Yeah sure," I answered.

"Good. Here's my number," He said as he handed me a piece of paper and walked away.

As I get to my locker with a huge smirk on my face, Dylan walks up next to me.

"So what happened in last hour?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are smirking like crazy. What happened!?" he said.

"Spencer talked to me!" I said.

"What did he say!" Dylan Asked like he was a girl would have.

"He said he wanted to hang out sometime and gave his number!"I exclaimed.


"Oh my god I'm so happy for you!" I said like I was excited for her but I'm not. I have had a crush on her since the day I met her. Yes, I have been friend-zoned. Anyways I can't tell her because I don't want to ruin our friendship.

"Shall we go?" I asked and put out my hand for her to grab.

"Why of course!" she said as she grabbed my hand. Then we started to walk to my car.

When we got to my car I opened the door for her and said,"My lady."

"Why thank you kind sir," Grace said as she climbed in my car.

"Your welcome darling," I replied.

I drove down the street towards our houses.

"So Grace do you want to my house and hang out or do you want to go to yours?"

"I woud like to go to my house."

"Oh.."I said sadly.

"You can come over Dylan," Grace giggled.

"Okay then I will come over,"I said.

"Can you sleep over?"

"It's a school night Grace,"I said.

But we are neighbors!" Grace said.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed.

"So how about some pizza and netflix,"She said.

"How could I decline!" I said.

We finally pull into my driveway.

"I am going to grab my stuff real quick okay?"I said.

"Okay Dylan," Grace said. Then I ran into the house.


I am really glad Dylan and I are hanging out tonight because we haven't had a sleep over in awhile.

While I'm waiting for Dylan I decide to text Spencer.

To Spencer:  Hi this is Grace!:P

From Spencer: Hi Grace Want to hang out on Friday my parents will be out of town

To Spencer: I will think about it :)

From Spencer: Okay :) <3

Then Dylan got back into the car and we went to my house.

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