Titus' POV
Everything with her was so perfect, the way she would only do a half smile, she couldn't let you know how happy she was to just be there, the way the small of her back felt like the perfect home for my hand to rest, i can remember just the way she would smell like the rain, i always get so emotional when i think of Kimberly. How everything about her is starting to feel like a distant memory. i cling to the memories of her the way I'd cling to my childhood blanket. i would do just about anything for just one more night, one more night of just holding her in my room, pressing myself up as close to her as i possibly could, making sure there was no distance between us, just the way i liked. Before Kimberly i was just Titus', but when i was with her, i felt like i could do anything, like i was bigger than myself, like we were "bigger" than anything we previously known before in my life, that's how my love for Kimberly felt, the way our love for each other felt.
Before i get way to into this, I'm going to introduce myself, i am Titus Clark, and I'm 100 percent still madly in love with my ex-girlfriend Kimberly. I never would have thought that this would happen to us, i have no idea where i went wrong. yes we are young, yes we are still in high school, but nothing and i mean ....nothing has ever felt more real then us.
I met Kimberly the first day of high school, she was new to our town and i felt like with her i could have a fresh start. i could be anything and anyone i wanted to be, she didn't know who Titus Clark was, she knew nothing of my past, and that's how i liked it.
The first time i saw her, i just knew i had to get to know her, she had long dark hair it draped well past her shoulders, she has big blue eyes, and her perfect half smile was usually always in place, she just never look too enthused, and that's okay, i wasn't either. i was and am the kind of guy that would drift through life, i had no real plan or goals, i just knew i could talk, i could talk and i could talk and i could talk, and people listened. i still do not understand why but i was not mad about it.
After weeks of being persistent, we finally had our first real conversation. i still remember how cute it was seeing her face light up whenever i made some dumb joke. her laugh was not too loud, but it was loud enough that it stuck with me, i still crave making this woman laugh.
Since that day in Environmental Science we were by each others side. She would grip my hand with the most pride while walking up and down the hallways of school together, i felt like i hit the jackpot, i was on a high i never knew was possible. Kimberly is the most beautiful girl in the whole world and she was my girlfriend. Three years with Kimberly flew by, all of my firsts were with her, my first kiss, my first school dance, the first party, her house was the first place i went after i got my drivers license. Her family Became my family, i would go to her house for most major life events and she would go to mine, my mother and sister loved Kimberly and she loved them back. She was the most important part of my life for so long its hard to grasp that she isn't mine anymore, i do not want to believe it, i will not believe it. whatever i did, whatever happened that made her stop loving me, i will win her back. i will hear that laugh again. i will hold her close to me again. i will pick her up for school again. This is not over. It cant be.
[ 6 weeks earlier]

My Latest Fixation
Teen FictionTitus Clark is lost without her, he can't eat, he can't sleep, all he thinks about is Kimberly. It has really started to consume his whole life and everyone around him is worried, he is not the charismatic boy that everyone used to know and love, an...