It's the very next morning, and the night before was a complete blur, nothing about this situation feels, real. I spent the better part of the afternoon calling her, and then i drove by her house at least twice, once at 8:30 pm and the second time was around 11:30, i could see her through her window, she was home, doing nothing, and still not texting or calling me. she seemed okay, there wasn't much you could tell about a persons demeanor just by watching them through their window, but she wasn't bent over or looked like she has been crying. how can she be so okay? i do not understand what she meant by wanting to end this for awhile, i never felt like anything wrong was happening in our relationship. This whole time i thought her and i were on the same page, i think what hits the hardest for me is the fact she isn't as in love with me as i was with her. I finally thought i found someone who loves me despite my flaws and i thought out of everyone in this world i found someone who understood me. I completely understand everything about Kimberly, I know what makes Kimberly smile, I know what makes Kimberly laugh, i Know what makes Kimberly upset. I know everything she loves about herself, i also know that she hates that her knee's point inwards, i also know that she hates how big her forehead is, but i never thought she had a big forehead. I remember the things that most guys try not to learn about their girlfriends, i knew all of her demons and chose to love her anyways, and you just can't say that about many people. I truly believe she won't ever find another guy that will love her the way i can, and she won't have too. Because no matter what, i will get Kimberly back.
It's 6:30 am and my eyes are stained red, my hair is matted up and my body physically feels weak. I did not eat anything yesterday and i finally took two sips of water from a bottle my mom brought me. She has been worried sick about me, but she doesn't have too, today I'm going to come home from school and I'll be happy again because Kimberly will be by my side, and it'll be like yesterday never happened at all. That's exactly what happened last time when Kimberly broke up with me. I am not saying this is a pattern but we did break up one other time before, and it was after 6 months of dating, and it was over something super minor, and she took me back, i think she will take me back this time. She is acting strong but i know deep down she loves me.
it's now 7:30 and I'm outside of Kimberly's house, My Toyota Camry is pulled up right to the front steps so she won't have much of a walk to my car. My hair is tucked into a low pony and I'm wearing a black turnover hoodie with some skinny jeans. My sister let me use some of her eye cream stuff so i would be more presentable, in my passenger seat i have Kimberly's favorite breakfast, a beyond bagel from Dunk-in Donuts and an iced coffee. I wanted to go all out but i just did not have any more time. I can smell the bagel from the bag and it reminded me that it's been over 24 hours since i have eaten anything. My stomach is starting to rumble but I've got to hold it together, Kimberly is about to walk outside. I set the playlist of all of her favorite songs on the radio so she will know how much i care. I finally see her walk outside and she looks shocked to see me parked outside, i don't know why she is acting surprised, i have taken her to school every single day since I've gotten my drivers license, i don't know why she'd think I'd stop now. I am a devoted boyfriend and i pride myself by that. Kimberly has a very exotic style, and i say this because she is always wearing a shirt that doesn't cover her stomach and she is always wearing big pants or a small skirt, there is no in-between. Most guys would not let their girlfriend dress like that but i never minded, it just showed the other guys that i was dating the hottest girl in school. "what the fuck are you doing here?" she says as she is walking up to my car. The window is rolled down but she isn't getting in the passengers seat, this was alarming me.
"Did you really not think I'd come to get you still?" i say back, kind of nervous, maybe i made a mistake.
"Kayla is coming to pick me up once she picks up hunter." she says back to me.

My Latest Fixation
Genç KurguTitus Clark is lost without her, he can't eat, he can't sleep, all he thinks about is Kimberly. It has really started to consume his whole life and everyone around him is worried, he is not the charismatic boy that everyone used to know and love, an...