Jung Hoseok

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The bottle spun again and not being fortunate enough it landed on Choi Yi-Seo. And now everyone's eyes were on her and only her. The whole cafe was silent.

This is the moment everyone waited for. Desperately.

The moment you try to take the bitch down but she's too much bitchy. To let them take her down.

"So what's the dare? " She asked, leaning back on the chair.

"Oh you did a great mistake by choosing the dare. " The opponent smiled.

"Really? " She mocked looking at him.

He just smirked in response. But that little thing didn't affect her at all.

"Oh you're wasting my moment. I have to go, lots of work. Busy person you know? " She asked and the minions being the minions cooed at that.

"Fine. That nerd. " He pointed at a new bee.

Glasses on his nose bridge, hanging a little too low. He's fixing the glasses time to time, giving the perfect definition of being a nerd.

 He's fixing the glasses time to time, giving the perfect definition of being a nerd

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Moreover that didn't help the at all when he looked at us, annoyingly.

Yi-Seo scrunched her face at the sight. Cause study was sure not her thing.

"What? " She asked crossing her hands over chest that probably left a few boners and she knew that very well.

He cleared his throat saying,
"Your dare is to date him. "

"You gotta be kidding me right? " She scoffed.

"No kidding. It's a dare. Let me see how you'll let your guards down. By dating that nerd or by refusing the dare? " He smiled wickedly, slowly getting up from the seat with his jacket, acting like Tom Cruise.

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