Kim SeokJin

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"Hello? " Chaeyoung asked over the phone.

"Yah! Kim Chaeyoung! " Yerin's loud voice pierced through the phone as Chaeyoung scrunched her face, looking at the caller ID, making sure she called her bestie and not a loud freak.

"What! " Chaeyoung shouted back to give her a taste of her own fruit but Yerin seemed not to bother as she asked,
"You coming to the school reunion right? "

"I'm not sure? " Cahyoung replied lazily.

"Tell me what's your zodiac sign again? " Terin asked.

"Shut up- "

"Oh it's Taurus! They're supposed to be lazy as shit and foody as fuck. Can't blame you tho that you're a Taurus. " Yerin said, her sarcasm noticed by Chaeyoung.

"Damn fine. I'm coming. Cause there will be food duh. " Chayoung said, sitting up on her bed.

"Pick me up at 6 pm. And darlin'; wear something nice. Don't come in a pajama or a tee. Okay? " Yerin adviced.

"Okay. I know how to dress up lmao- "

"And remember it's a PARTY! " Yerin reminded her.

"Okay okay. Bye. " Chaeyoung said as she hung up the phone.

5 hours later :

"Ugh what time is it again? " Chaeyoung asked as she flipped her phone and saw it was almost 4 in the noon.

She rolled on the bed, scrolling through the Netflix.

"Seriously no good movies? I hate Netflix! " She sighed in disappointment as she gave up on finding a movie to watch and finally getting up from bed.

Cause guess what?

Life goes on.... :)

She lazily skipped the tiles to her bathroom when she heard her phone ringing.

It was Yerin aka her living alarm.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she picked up and said,
"I'm going to get ready. Bye. "

"Good! " Yerin squealed as she hung up the phone.

Chaeyoung took a shower as she walked to her closet and picked a dress she thought would suit the 'party' vibe.

"Guess it's not that fancy for a party....? " She asked herself as she hung the dress above her shoulder and looked at the mirror.

? " She asked herself as she hung the dress above her shoulder and looked at the mirror

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