Kim Taehyung

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"And....Shoot! " Jungkook smiled in victory when his arrow hit the boy.

"That was cool. " Yuna praised Jungkook as she saw the Cupid aka Jungkook hitting another arrow just in time.

"Coming from the Goddess of love. " Jungkook winked as Yuna chuckled.

"Of course. Call me Aphrodite when we're out of heaven, Cupid. " Yuna said as she looked around her.

"Okay okay. And I wasn't done talking. You have to wait for the right moment. Cause you have to make them feel the affection, the desire. " Jungkook said as he looked at Yuna.

"It's okay as long as you do your work right. I'm not the cupid remember? " Yuna reminded him as he nodded his head somehow disappointed.

Yuna noticed his younger brother expression as she side hugged him and said,
"Don't worry. That was cool. You'll be the coolest and chubbiest Cupid existed in the history. "

"Cupids are meant to be chubby. Not my fault. " Jungkook mumbled.

"I'm proud of you. " Yuna finally said as Jungkook's face lit up.

Yuna chuckled watching him as she stood up from where she was sitting and opened a portal to the heaven.

"But I have a question. " Jungkook asked.

"Hmm go on. "

"You make people fall in love right? " Jungkook asked as Yuna nodded, humming afterwards.

"Then what about you? " Jungkook asked again.

"What about me? " Yuna asked him.

"Why don't you fall in love? " Jungkook asked curious.

"I guess no one shot me any love arrow? "Yuna said as she looked at him.

"But I can't shot anyone without your permission yet. If you say so I can shoot you and anyone you want. " Jungkook said truthfully.

"Don't worry. My heart is filled with so much love. I don't need somebody else's love. " Yuna laughed a little.

"But isn't it tough? Watching people falling in love just before your eyes but you....You can't fall in love. " Jungkook said as he looked at Yuna.

"Once you are the official Cupid, you'll know how to lead the most single life. Trust me. " Yuna assured.

"But you're like hundreds and thousands years right? " Jungkook asked.

"I'm 2905 years. Not that old. " Yuna cleared her throat, feeling old all of a sudden.

"Still single? " Jungkook asked again.

"Single than ever. " Yuna replied.

She wrote the fate of other's love. But still as the Goddess of love she couldn't write her own fate to love someone.

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