Min Yoongi

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Choi Aera was doing her paperwork, earphones plugged in her ear. Hairs dancing with the breeze of wind.

She was in her early 20s. The sound of scratching pencil against the paper could be heard from time to time.

She was so focused in her work that a cat came by her side and she didn't even know.

"Meow. " The cat mewled.

Still didn't heard it as she continued to do her own business.

But all of a sudden her eyebrows scrunched as she didn't feel the music through her earphones. She looked beside her and saw the earphones in the cat's paw.

The cat had big doe eyes and it was so adorable. It looked at Aera with sad eyes not getting enough attention.

 It looked at Aera with sad eyes not getting enough attention

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"Give me my earphones back. " She asked nicely but the cat shook it's head.

"Wait, can you understand me? " She asked as the cat nodded.

"Wait. You're a cat right? " She asked again only to get another nod from the cat.

She was shocked to get that reaction from an animal. Especially a cat.

She pulled the cat in her lap and patted it's back, caressing the silky light brown fur.

The cat seemed to enjoy it as it yawned. She kept on caressing until the cat was fully asleep.

She placed the cat on the bench carefully, swaying her bag on her back she then left for her home.

"Home! " She shouted as she entered through the door.

"I've already prepared launch. " Soobin shouted back from the kitchen.

"Aigoo, my little brother is so adorable. Come here. " Aera said giggling as she ruffled Soobin's hair.

"Oh come on pouty. I'll cook next time. Promise. " She again said and Soobin nodded.

They finished their launch and after that they both went to their individual rooms.

To all the boys I've loved [BTS Edition]Where stories live. Discover now