Jeon Jungkook

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"But I need this money. I have to pay my sister's tuition. " YeonGi said desperately.

The manager of the haunting competition sighed as he looked at her eyes one more time. There wasn't fear or any kind of hesitation. There was only bravery and desperation.

"If you die, we're not taking responsibilities. " He said, handing her a form.

"I won't die. A mere ghost can't kill me. " She winked as she filled the form and signed it.

"Then see you next week, if you're alive. " He said and the girl nodded.

"One week's not a big deal is it? " She asked as she went home for packing.

"Eonnie, where are you going? " YeonHa asked as she looked at her sister with fear in her eyes.

"Nothing. Just a competition. " She shrugged.

"You don't have to do it for paying my tuition. " The little one whined.

"I'm not doing it for you, pabo-ya. I have a date and for buying a dress I need money you know? " YeonGi winked as YeonHa sighed.

YeonHa knew her sister was lying. That's what she has always does. But lying for their good, if that's possible.

"You'll manage to survive one week right? Don't open the door. Never. And I've left enough food in the fridge. So, you should survive. " YeonGi said, checking all the things.

"Hmm. You should survive too. " YeonHa said sternly as YeonGi nodded.

She left the house and followed the address written on the haunting competition form.

"Here I come, Mr. Ghost. You have to pay me well if I survive for one week. " YeonGi said, looking at the form.

[After 45 minutes]

After a ride of 45 minutes she finally came to Yeou Gogae, far away from Seoul. And after a 5 minutes walk she reached to the house she was looking for. The house was named after the family lived here. That was Jeon's property.

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