What Are We?

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I woke up to Zack lightly stroking my hair. I sigh, as I was lulled into that warm comfort yet again. I really need to figure out why this keeps happening and just how can it feel so comfortable? We barely know each other, but in the quiet times it's as if we have been around each other for years.
I ask, "I thought you said you'd leave after I fell asleep?"
He sighs as if he can't quite figure us out either,"I thought I was too. But you looked so peaceful so I stayed a bit longer. Then I just fell asleep too."
"Look it's fine. It's kinda nice in a way, but why does it keep happening?"
He looks at me,"I'm not sure. But I'm not against it or it happening again."
"But what are we?"
"We can be whatever you want Maddie. I'm not the controlling type. Well I am but not about something like this."
I snort,"Well at least you corrected yourself before I had too."
He just chuckles and shakes his head,"You know I think I prefer you asleep because you don't talk much then."
I blush, "I so don't."
He laughs,"Well you do a little but I'm certainly not going to tell you what you said."
Now he just looks at me smirking. I really want to smack him or throw something at him. "Oh I'll get dirt on you, you just watch because Luther will hook me up."
"Let him try because I've been a good boy for the past few years."
"You know many ladies prefer a good guy that knows how to be bad." Seriously, I just said that! I hurriedly put on my best poker face because I can't dare let him see that I let that slip. This man just unnerves me a bit. Maybe it's because of his quiet strength and he has this extremely pensive way about him. It's like he's always thinking. I'm kinda that way too but not to this extent.
"Well that's not what your Gran thinks," he says so very nonchalantly as if he knows something I don't. Maybe he does because Gran was always up to something.
I huff,"If she knows you and not me, just be warned that I'm going to hit you."
He smirks and chuckles,"Whatever helps you cope."
"Thanks for understanding."
"Maddie family is sacred and I'd do the same if I had any left. Now go get showered first, I have some work to do and calls to make," he says as he heads to his office.
So I go enjoy the shower sprayer and get ready for the day. I put on a bohemian looking black lace dress and leave my hair down and wavy. I have plans later to test this man, he just doesn't know it yet. I pack my bag for the club. I almost collide with him as I'm leaving our suite.
"You look very nice. Is there any special reason?"
I swear does he know I'm plotting something. He can't can he? "Oh you'll see my precarious pillow."
He just shrugs,"It's going to be another long day isn't it? I can just tell."
I just laugh,"Oh we shall see. It could prove to be a very long, hard day," I say suggestively.
I made sure I said that as I was walking out of the suite. I hear him mumbling behind me something about me being nothing but trouble and a dirty playing scheming woman. I'm just laughing as I'm getting lost on my way to the kitchen.
Jake is the first to greet me,"Afternoon Maddie. You seem like you had a decent night, sugar."
Jake just makes me smile. He's so easy to be around and it's been like that since our first hello. I talk as I'm making my coffee. "Hey Jakey."
Reed chimes in,"You got a sweet tooth?"
I just smile,"No I just like my sugar coffee flavored." And we share a laugh. "Oh I also have something to tell you both."
They both lean in. "Real royalty will be arriving in a few short weeks."
Reed asks who, so I tell them about Lynn Swan and Levi Price. Jake pulls up a photo to confirm. He about freaks when I confirm just how long I've known Lynn Swan. So I go on to tell them who from her court will be accompanying them like Hunter Smith the NFL player and Luther Knight the spy turned cyber security guru. They make a comment on how many powerful people I know which leads us to the Kingsley's which we all know all too well. All roads lead back to the Kingsley's. That whole family is nothing but vermin. A plaque upon humanity is what they are.
"Are you always this animated and busy when you get up?" Jake asks.
Reed laughs,"Well Zack might need to rethink the living arrangements."
I just shrug,"Well it's his prerogative."
Zack enters, "My choice of what exactly?"
Reed says,"To put miss hyper sunshine in another room."
"Man she's fine," Zack says.
"Oh I best be my magnanimous mountain of mystery. Because you boys might be shacking up with royalty."
Jake laughs,"Good lord what now? And I better not have to bow, sugar."
"Well I could possibly be the cousin of the Prince of Sagare," I say with a smile.
Reed being my Dark and Stormy full of doubt asks,"Exactly how is that Madison?"
"Well my grandfather Harold Price had a brother named Henry. They both came here as young men. Harold stayed but Henry returned to Sagare. I don't know the rest, but I'm hoping Gran might."
"I best not have to call you duchess or anything," Jake says.
"If the future queen commands you will. She's executed people you know. She's my evil twin from another mother," I say as I laugh.
Jake just shakes his head,"Boss we are in deep trouble."
Zack just chuckles,"Could be my kind of trouble."
Reed chimes in,"And fun too."
Jake replied,"We are so screwed."
I feel a hand on my shoulder that I don't recognize. My instincts just kick in. I flip the guy over and put my heel to his throat.
Zack yells,"Oh shit! Maddie!! It's ok. He's one of mine."
I back away as I say that I'm sorry.

"I back away as I say that I'm sorry

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Ryan King, Capo

Ryan speaks,"I was going to say good afternoon and introduce myself, until you flipped me on my ass."
I extended a hand to help him up. "I'm so sorry. It's a reflex. I'm Madison. I'm sure you didn't intend to fall head over heels for me so quickly."
Zack just chuckles.
Ryan asks,"So what the hell have you been teaching her man?"
Zack just shrugs,"Nothing yet. Her Gran and Bart contributed to this. However the sass that's all her."
"It's just instinct to help keep Adam off of me is all."
Ryan says,"Well I came to inform you that I got security setup for tonight as requested."
I say,"I want extra eyes on the waitstaff. I trust my dancers because they know we are the best paying around, but I don't trust the waitstaff especially after last night. Plus with Lynn and Levi coming we need to be prepared even if they're bringing their Royal Guard."
Ryan asks,"You are referring to those coming from Sagare, correct?"
"Yes, they hate formalities and prefer to be treated as people."
While we were talking Zack was making breakfast. I'm so not used to anyone cooking.
Ryan says,"Are you always this bossy?"
Zack and I answer in unison,"Yes."
Reed just laughs and Jake joins in.
I say,"I run my life like I do my clubs. I'm fair and flexible but I expect loyalty and determination to succeed from everyone including myself. If it's lacking, I won't hesitate in administering disciplinary action. But Ryan just be happy that I didn't use the cutlery."
Zack just chuckles.
Ryan says,"Boss, that's not remotely funny. I know you were wanting training for her, but I'm not exactly sure she needs it."
"Well first off you shouldn't underestimate her. Adam made that mistake and she nearly killed him. But she could use ammunitions and tactical training," Zack replied.
"Damn right I nearly had him. Next time he dies by my hand. Thus far, all I know is he's on the East Coast. Lynn's psycho ex is in the wind as well despite the beating she gave him."
Jake says,"What harm could a shortcake like her do?"
I laugh,"Apparently she had to buy Big T a new carpet for his VIP room. So you tell me?"
Jake's eyes go wide,"Well I'll be sure to treat her with respect and very nicely then, sugar."
"If you boys value your manhood, I suggest you treat her well. You do know that she interrogated and tortured a Duke right before she had him publicly executed? Well now you know anyways."
I just smile
"You're serious?" Ryan asks.
"Yes, and I'd have done the same. If you all treat her like you do me, things will be fine. Her guys are all cool in different ways. So just show respect to get respect."
Zack just smiles
"What my peculiar pillow?"
Jake just falls to the floor laughing. Zack laughs too and soon we all are. Jake gets up wiping tears from his face from laughing so hard and says,"Damn that one was pure gold."
"You're just jealous that you didn't think of it yourself."
Jake says,"Actually yeah."
Zack has regained his composure and otherwise staunch demeanor and says,"Oh God, just stop both of you. Good Lord it's going to be a long day. We will meet you all at the club."
We said our goodbyes and headed for my car. I wonder what music it will entertain us with next. Zack asks,"Maddie where do you come up with the names?"
"Gran. She and I used to play a version of Family Portrait. So we'd create characters and a reason for them to gather. Then we'd improv a conversation."
I turn the key and say,"Alright my Bewildering Bossman, let's see what my car plays today."
He laughs,"You do know that I have a name right?"
"But teasing you is far more fun and satisfying," I reply.
"You're infatuatingly insufferable, you know that," he huffs.
I just giggle,"Then I'm doing my job well."
The stereo begins to play Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy by Big and Rich. I just laugh because it's so fitting for the tease that I have planned for later.
I say,"Apparently my car still hasn't bonded with yours and it wants to ride."
He just looks at me,"We are so taking my car tomorrow."
I just have to tease him,"Are you sure that you don't want to ride a cowboy?"
He quirks an eyebrow, "Oh there's plenty I'd like to ride and none of it is a cowboy. Just how much coffee have you drank?"
"Only two cups."
He says,"We are switching to decaf then."
"Like hell we are!"
We laugh as we pull up to the nursing home. A song that I'm so not ready to deal with comes on.
The Lady In Red by Chris De Burgh starts to play and I quickly switch off the car. This so isn't happening. There's just no way. Why? Why is it playing this?

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