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Well here goes nothing. If it's all too much I can always bolt. I walk into the venue hand in hand with Zack. It's an odd feeling because of how we just fit. There's this familiarity to him. The space is quite nice and not overly decorated but just enough to know that we are here for a wedding.
Around the aisle and lined chairs are small tables where people are standing while chatting. Some guests are already seated. Many just glance as we enter and go back to chatting. But there are others that stare some in shock while others stare daggers at us with looks of lust, betrayal, or pure hatred.
I use Zack's hand to pull him down so I can whisper to him,"They do know that weddings are no place for drama or violence right?" I ask because I'm nervous that we just walked into a powder keg that could ignite at any minute.
He chuckles,"Nothing should happen. Based on the looks from the men, your dance card should be quite full."
I can't help but sass him,"I thought it was full already but if not..."
He kisses me lightly on the lips and then behind my ear as he whispered,"Have fun and do whatever you want."
I pull back,"Well if trash needs taken out on either side of the room, I brought extra trash bags."
He chuckles,"Good to know."
I tease,"One might have your name on it if you're not careful."
He raises an eyebrow,"Is that so, and just who would help?"
I smile,"Oh I bet I could easily find a few."
We both burst out laughing. That draws attention quickly.
Cam comes over,"I see that you are both enjoying yourselves."
I say,"I'm trying despite all of the death stares."
Jake chimes in,"Oh they're not all of death, sugar."
Reed backs him up with a smirk,"Who wouldn't stare at the Duchess of Desire."
I roll my eyes and Zack growls,"I so never should've told you guys."
As if Cam knew Zack might try to haul me away at any minute, he changes the subject,"How's Gran?"
I laugh as I reminisce,"She was mostly herself today. Although she did threaten to harm Zack."
Cam asks,"Why?"
Zack says rather matter-of-factly,"She thought we eloped."
Jake busts out laughing. I just shrug.
Jake says,"That's fucking priceless! You didn't correct her either did you?"
Zack answers,"No, would you?"
Reed says,"Nope especially not after what I've read about her."
Zack continues,"Oh Maddie corrected her. I told Gran a bit of what happened with Kat too. I called Maddie horrifying when she took out the trash. However, Gran informed me that Maddie is just getting started and that I hadn't seen anything yet."
I just smile sweetly, because I'm not really sure how to respond. I just saw red and my body took over.
Ryan says,"Well if that's the case, then it was nice knowing you boys."
I laugh. Could I hurt these men? No not unless I had no choice. It would take a lot to make me want to harm let alone kill any one of them. I'm growing to love them all, some in very different ways. I glance at Zack. Yeah he's special. There's something there.
Cam tells us to go get seated and that things will start soon. We take our seats and mine is between Zack and Reed. It appears that they will keep a watch over me tonight. I'm not completely sure why though. I know Zack enjoyed our night together but why is Reed so protective?
"Guys, I really don't like all of the stares because of how I'm dressed or who I'm with. It's different when I dance because the focus is on my routine and it's emotional evocation not my outfit or body. There's just no reason now. I just got here, they don't know me."
Reed says, "But there is a reason because of how stunning you look in that dress."
"Well it was either this or what I wear to perform in because this is the only formal dress that I own."
He says,"Well then we will fix that."
Zack says,"Yep because I plan to take you to more weddings like I said in the car."
I smack him.
He chuckled,"So worth it."
I exclaim,"Fucking incorrigible!"
He smirks,"I told you what I'd rather be."
I cock my head,"Oh just wait my Mountain of Mystery, I'll have a secret affair with the shower sprayer yet! You just wait and see!"
We laugh.
"Oh I'll even put my name on it mark my words," I joke but I could see myself doing it if provoked.
Reed chuckled,"That I'd like to see."
Zack retorts,"Don't encourage her!"
I giggle,"Too late. Are we going to work later?"
Zack says,"No! You're taking the night off!"
He puts his finger on my lips,"Nope!"
I mumble,"What if.."
He pressed his finger a bit harder,"Don't care."
The way he's being assertive is turning me on a bit. Yes he has a point that I should take time off, but I'm such a controlfreak that it's hard to.
Reed senses my inner turmoil and asks,"When was the last time you took a day off?"
I say now that Zack removed his finger,"When we closed for a major holiday."
Reed exclaims,"Fuck! Yeah you're taking the night off. The club will survive."
"You'd both haul me out if I went in wouldn't you?"
They both answered yes in unison. I sigh.
Zack says,"Oh it's not so bad. I even bet that you'll enjoy yourself tonight." He said that in such a sly,naughty tone.
I reply,"If not, then I'll make sure that the sprayer sees more action than the both of you." I just sit there with a smirk.
We laugh until the procession starts. I learn that Cam's bride's name is Beth and she's absolutely gorgeous. As the ceremony progresses and they share their vows, their love and bond they share becomes extremely obvious. It is beautiful and touching and it reminds me of what I'm missing but not everyone gets their love story. Or if they by chance do get it, it doesn't last. Maybe we aren't meant to fully commit, but then I see people like Gran who truly loved their partner and miss him now that he's gone.
I wonder what fate has in store for me?
After the ceremony ended, we all moved to the reception area. I'm at a table with Zack and the guys, thankfully no strangers. I don't mind meeting strangers, I'm a bartender after all, but formal gatherings make me self-conscious, very uncomfortable, and nervous.
But here goes nothing!

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